Can the bath temperature: pros and cons

  • Dec 24, 2019

Today, many owners of private homes can boast a sauna on site. Availability visiting the sauna makes it not only pleasant, but also a means to solve various problems, including for diseases of the body.

But everything here is not so simple as it is sometimes described fans of bath procedures.

Elevated temperatures and bath

Normal human temperature is like a warm-blooded creature allows it to exist and to act with maximum efficiency. However, there are situations when this option is abruptly or gradually increased, reaching critical levels. Most often it occurs during a variety of diseases and inflammatory conditions.

In everyday life, they say that the body is fighting infectious or inflammatory processes, raising the temperature to germs and viruses are killed by it. In reality, the percentage of microorganisms that actually lose viability when acceptable to the person within small. An increase in temperature provoking special substances that are synthesized organs under the influence of toxic proteins released by microbes.

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Bath is a longtime folk remedy to cleanse the body of unwanted substances. Mistakenly believing that it will bring viruses and waste products and bacteria, some people go to the bath, steamed... And then call an ambulance. Conditions in the steam room can be dangerous for weakened human infection. After all, as the temperature increases the blood thickens, the person becomes lethargic and apathetic, it increases the load on the heart. Overheating in the bath can cause a sharp deterioration in the state. Here too close to immediate hospitalization.

Qualified medical personnel suggests otherwise: when the thermometer mercury column crosses the mark with the number 37, a person needs effective cooling. The need to divert excess heat is particularly important in the critical values ​​above 39 degrees. In the bath, the body is, on the contrary, undergoes additional superheat.

Steam or not

A condition where the bath can really help out - on the eve of the temperature rise. Most people feel it as malaise, heavy head, chills, sore throat, aching muscles. It was then a visit to the steam room and really can recommend.

But also to get involved in this procedure is not necessary. The optimum would not be very long visiting bath with moderate constant temperature and high humidity. In the process you should use plenty of warm drink, such as tea with raspberries, currants, lemon. From the pool and jumping in the snow is better to abstain. After the bath and how good shelter should sleep.

The morning after this procedure, you may well feel fresh and rested, without any signs of the disease.

Tell us whether you are steamed at a temperature and how to feel after that?