Insulated bath foam, satisfied as an elephant

  • Dec 24, 2019

Question warming bath has long interested me, but take seriously the issue decided just now.

Recommendations will draw attention to the foam as a cheap and high quality insulation in the form of expanded polystyrene. It is called the best thermal insulation thanks to the presence of bubbles of an air gap, perfectly retaining warmth.

The advantages of foam also include longer life (Even up to 50 years)The ability to withstand extremes of temperature below minus 20, The absence of toxic fumes (thus he is permitted in the food industry). It is easy to cut and stacked, and light weight facilitates installation. The foam does not rot and will not be breeding ground for mold and bacteria.

I was advised to buy a more expensive option, because frankly cheap not able to last long.

Worth to pay attention to a slight inflammation, the ability not to let evaporation and provide a cozy nest for rodents. Otzyvy¸ reading I found that manufacturers klyanutsya- modern foam self-extinguishes in case of accidental fire and ignite itself may only at +420 ° SI in order to highlight the harmful substances must deliberately melt, not heated material.

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In general, I chose the foam to insulate the basement ceiling because insulate the steam room itself was impossible because of the high temperatures in it.

Wall insulation produced by internal partitions by attaching pre-cut sheets of foam to the substrate walls.

I was also worried about the problem of insulation of the foundation. I decided it, attaching sheets of foam thickness 50 mm directly to the foundation wall, the use of bitumen mastic.

Before that primed the wall and struck the liquid rubber. In the corners placed ponoplast 100 mmTo strengthen the protection of corners and heat loss. On the sides slipped gravel to make a pillow for the base.

To protect against external conditions top made wooden partitions, as the fragility of the material is not credible. The foam base protected from moisture, especially during the spring, when the high likelihood of flooding and soaking.

Ceiling insulated, stacking as a second layer between the joists. As the first in my concrete block, insulation and although it was good but weak. With insulation foam heating time was reduced, and sink bath has become much easier.

It was the idea of ​​using the foam for insulation and the floor, but I quickly rejected it, considering how to dampen room inside and the situation could become even worse if the moisture remains in the plastic foam layer.

In general I am very satisfied with the result, sauna has become more comfortable on the inside, and to avoid wetting of the building, I found a more powerful fan. The foam retains heat very well, disappeared cases erosion of the foundation and the dampness of the walls, especially when the temperature drops during the transition from winter to spring.