How to treat a cold bath: 4 true means

  • Dec 24, 2019
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At the first sign of a cold we first run to the nearest pharmacy for medicines. Most tend to forget that our ancestors well do without tablets and treat colds in a usual Russian bath.

Whatever symptoms you overcame (cough, runny nose, aching joints, sore throat), steam will help you sweat, breathe essential oils and warm. You'll see - a couple of calls has become much easier.

The secret of the miraculous baths

In fact, no miracles here. Everything is explained by normal physiology:

  • Hot steam helps to open the pores and remove them from all the toxins and disease-causing organisms;
  • at high temperature accelerated blood flow rates, the blood is cleaned and removes toxins and waste products;
  • in a steam room, our body produces more white blood cells, so the disease is overcome much faster, how insidious nor would the virus;
  • High humidity combined with the heat of the furnace in the sauna create something like a large inhaler so that our bronchi and lungs are cleared of mucus;
  • washing in the bath with a broom beneficial effects on joints and ligaments.
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How to visit a bath in the cold?

Firstly, we should not immediately rush to the upper shelves to the ceiling. Vessels must obvyknutsya bit with a sharp temperature drop: soak your feet in a basin of warm water, making it progressively hotter, and 15 minutes later you go in the steam room.

Second, wet head before entering the steam room is impossible, leave it dry and be sure to wear a special hat. After a shower, wipe with a towel so that the moisture in the body does not interfere with the exit of sweat and toxins.

The bath can use four basic tools:

  • Massage with a broom. This procedure will help speed up the blood flow in the capillaries and make sweating more tangible. Acceleration of metabolic processes will help bring the body of toxins, dirt and toxins. Broom of lime have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, eucalyptus helps cough, runny nose and pain throat, and a birch broom helps eliminate the pain in joints and muscles, and also displays the mucus from the bronchi.
  • Grindings. They help the body to warm up faster and accelerate the separation of sweat. For the greater good can be done rubbing with salt and honey. Simply mix the two ingredients in equal parts and use it as a scrub (choose fine salt).
  • Aromatherapy. The use of essential oils of pine needles, juniper or eucalyptus helps to clear the lungs and bronchi of phlegm. The liter of water dissolve 10 drops of oil and pour the mixture of stones.
  • Medicated drinks. Immediately after visiting the steamy drink a cup of chamomile, lime or mint tea to make up for the liquid to soften the throat and strengthen the separation of sweat.

When to go to the bath is prohibited?

There are contraindications for which visiting at cold bath is not recommended or prohibited. For example, if the disease is in an acute stage (i.e., at high temperature, sore throat, lung inflammation, etc.). Bath only give additional burden on the weakened body, and the heart can not cope with it.