In the kitchen of sink smells bad? Easily cope with this misunderstanding

  • Dec 24, 2019

Our car wash will not smell anything at all, or to do it nicely. Need to do only basic things that everyone is always on hand in the household: vinegar, baking soda, cool boiled water, citric acid, essential oils.

The kitchen is large, very comfortable and cozy. And only one unpleasant odor can ruin the experience of established comfort. Therefore, this article I will try to tell you about how to get rid of unpleasant odors from the kitchen sink. All methods penny, and anyone can use them. No special skills are required.

1. Eliminates odors by means of boiling water, if possible

Boiling may possess magical properties. Yes Yes. Do not argue. If you have formed a small sink is clogged, by the way, which may be the source of the stench, he calmly cope with it. Just boil the kettle and pour it down the sink. Dissolve the blockage, the smell will disappear.

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

2. Explosive mixture, which comprises a soda, bit 9 percent vinegar, hot water and again

That is, if the blockage in your sink a little more, and simply could not remove it using boiling water.

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Soda is that you want to pour into the drain and then pour the vinegar into it, such a sickly reaction goes. The strength which is able to save you from a larger blockage. It is also very high quality soda fights odor. And if we add sea salt, then in general, all cool can get. Then only will you need all this boiling water shed and wash what would God forbid plastic pipes are not damaged.

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

3. Another explosive mixture of approximately the same composition, but in which you can use lemon juice instead of vinegar

Everything here is the same as in the previous method, but it is more interesting, at least for me. You have from the kitchen sink will smell! But will smell nice, lemon!

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

4. Next, a mixture of baking soda, essential oils and of course hot water

If you want to have your sink smelled very nice, you just need to overnight drip 10-15 drops of the most popular with you the smell of essential masala. And in the morning boiling water is just the thing to shed. The smell will stay and will stay 10 days, then the procedure can be repeated.

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

5. The use of hot vinegar

This way to the coffee. Many clean coffee maker with vinegar. He remains clean and it is a hot field. Drain it into the sink, and the smell of coffee does not take long.

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

Well, for prevention as practical advice you need on a weekly basis at night, throw a tablespoon of baking soda in the sink, and in the morning rinse it with boiling water. If you take advantage of the advice, then from your kitchen sink odor will never be!

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