Will the house on screw piles are considered the object of capital construction?

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Photo taken from the service Yandex pictures
Photo taken from the service Yandex pictures

The presence of the foundation for the structure to many people already means that it belongs to the objects of capital construction. But the active development of technologies in the construction industry has put a lot of questions in this thread.

for instance, Build a frame, wooden house, or an object of aerated concrete offered on screw piles. Needless to such a decision is controversial, but the problem lies elsewhere - whether built on screw stilt house shall be deemed to capital structure and whether it is possible to register on this structure right property?

Photo taken from the service Yandex pictures
Photo taken from the service Yandex pictures
The answer to this question is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Even though the pile may be perceived as individual designer elements, they are not important in determining the structure type.

Of course, screw piles are difficult to compare with a monolithic RC foundation, but the functions of both of these materials are identical - load transfer on the ground and ensure the stability of the building on the design elevation.

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Anyway, the final decision on the structure of belonging to a certain type does not depend on the foundation.

The determining factor in this regard to date, is the presence of two signsWhich are only indirectly related to the arrangement of the foundation.

Photo taken from the service Yandex pictures
Photo taken from the service Yandex pictures

1. The first signs of states: is it possible to move an object to another location without damaging its structureWhich will be measured as disparate existing targets? If possible, transfer the structure is fully assembled, without serious damage (maintaining integrity of the structure), then such building does not belong to the capital facilities.

2. Second sign: whether it is possible to disassemble the building and re-assemble it on another site with the exact repetition of the design? When available, the house capital structure will not be considered.

Photo taken from the service Yandex pictures
Photo taken from the service Yandex pictures

When construction on screw piles structure, which can not be disassembled and moved to a space, it will be considered as an object of capital construction. If possible it is moved to a new location without incommensurate damage to such an object is a capital is not.

Than it will be in this case, it is not clear due to the lack of clear legislation language, but people such structures have different names - stand, stand, pavilion, booth, and so Further. Anyway, these two criteria are the basis for the judiciary in deciding on the definition of capital structures.

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