What is the best lining for sauna: a review of the best types of lining

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Finishing bath - an important and inevitable stage of construction works. It is considered to be an excellent material lining. As a rule, many chooses to made of wood - a material valued for environmental friendliness and numerous ways to implement.

You will be able to count on long operation and excellent sound and heat insulation.

The most suitable option for a bath - Alternative from deciduous or coniferous trees.

Get acquainted with the characteristic properties of certain types of wood.


Lining of linden wood is most often used for decoration of floors and walls. Finishing a gentle, instantly heated. Thermal conductivity is quite low, which makes it possible to cool slowly, and it is important for the bath. Aromas will be filled with the smell of honey and essential oils contribute to recovery.


Due to the density and good uniformity of the structure is very similar to lime. In this treatment, you will feel a bitter flavor. The material is very hard and will last for many years. Always make sure that you have bought the board without knots, or run the risk of getting burned. Do not allow the presence of resin - which may lead to difficulties in breathing.

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Incredible demand is pinkish shade tree, the so-called black alder. Wood does not require additional processing and is not afraid to temperature changes. Attract buyers of finishing options - from pink to bright red.


Unique flavor will be useful for people with heart and lung diseases. Material valued for their durability and nice structure. In addition, cedar is excellent disinfecting oxygen and resistant to decay.


Casing larch has a high specific gravity, as well as elasticity and strength. Such a tree is full of antioxidants, but have to pay a rather high price.


Canadian tree that is similar in appearance to our oak tree. The advantages of such a lining - high endurance, strength and aroma of pine.


Excellent material for making shelves - almost not heated. Low density, hue pleasant chocolate. Such linings have no knots and pockets. The further treatment is not needed.

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