How to build a sauna from a profiled bar: expert advice

  • Dec 24, 2019

Shaped beam is easy to install, environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing. For the construction of the baths have been using it for decades. The technology has come to us from Finland. Construction of the baths shaped timber with his own hands and advice from professionals - on.

Why profiled beam?

This material has a specific latch coupling mechanism, which may be different among themselves, but ultimately perform the same function - to provide sealing bath.

The main advantages of timber include:

  • correct geometrical shape to facilitate installation;
  • sealing compounds,
  • environmental friendliness,
  • low thermal conductivity.

The last parameter allows the walls of the timber with a lock-good thermal insulation.

Build themselves: step by step guide

In addition to the shaped timber needed door and window design, materials and devices for communications foundation. For the construction of a bath out from 1.5 to 2 months.

Step 1 - the device of the foundation. Since the timber has a relatively small weight, A bath of profiled beam may be used a columnar or a lightweight type of foundation. Do the marks on the site of the future building. Dig wells equidistant depth

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to 1 m. At the bottom of each well pour a layer of sand and gravel.

Assemble formwork, rebar and pour concrete. Compacted material, cover polyethylene and wait until the solution is completely dry (It takes 20 to 35 days). On the pillars laid 2-3 roofing layer and assemble the sill of the timber for special spikes.

Step 2 - Build the walls. Stacking timber begins with the sill. Assemble around the perimeter of the rack in two rows, and collect the box. Row by row. Each other elements combine wooden pins: the use of metal fasteners in a room with high humidity level is better to limit.

In the hollow of each timber laid interlocks insulation tape. It will improve the adhesion of materials and increase the tightness of the walls. Pay special attention to lock connection. Completing the process device cantrail.

Step 3 - Installation of the roof. On the upper piping mauerlat install and assemble rafters. The slope of the roof choose according to weather conditions, do not forget about personal preferences. Mount insulation and roofing material.

Next is the installation of window and door construction, supply of communications, floor unit, and interior decoration.

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