5 interesting facts about sweet peppers, about which few people know (although you probably already know)

  • Dec 24, 2019
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From time to time I think about that all know about the cultures, which grow in my garden, in addition, how to deal with them pests and when to harvest. During such a hunger for information is pulling me to a different theme and not the literature related to horticulture.

One of the last objects of this educational program has become my favorite sweet pepper, with interesting facts about which I'll introduce you in this article.

Fact One: Historical

I never would have thought, but sweet bell peppers - is not an invention, more or less contemporary agrarians obtained by hybridization of pungent varieties, and one of the world's oldest vegetables.

According to the officially conducted archaeological research, "ancestors" of this plant can be found on our planet more 9000 (!) Years ago.

The first who guessed to use pepper in cooking various dishes, were eager for juicy flavors Spaniards. However, the birthplace of this vegetable scientists call areas of Central and South America. However, in our latitudes, it also feels great.

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Fact Two: Ethnic

By the way, why pepper is called in our country of Bulgaria, not Mexican, Brazilian or at least Spanish? The answer to this question is ambiguous.

According to one version, the first country exporting to the territory of modern Russia this kind of pepper, it was Bulgaria.

The other version says that especially large varieties of sweet peppers were the first to bring it to Bulgarian breeders.

Fact Three: Linguistic

From the foregoing it is clear the fact that bell pepper No one (except perhaps the inhabitants of the post-Soviet space and the Bulgarians themselves), so he does not call.

To the west spread the name "paprika"Or simply called pepper pepper. In some countries in South America it is called "sweet chili." And in Egypt, for some reason he is known as the "green pepper".

Fact Four: People's Medical

Following the precepts of the great Aesculapius past that each plant can be a remedy for any human disease, many folk healers to notice the beneficial properties of sweet pepper, and used it in the treatment of asthma, anemia and dizziness.

The fact of the fifth, very important: Vitamin

Perhaps the most important discovery for me was the fact that the content and types of nutrients in pepper depend on its color.

  • For example, red pepper contains almost as much vitamin C as a lemon or an orange.
  • A green helps remove excess cholesterol from the body.
In addition, the sweet pepper vitamin A, there is even more than the vaunted all doctors carrots, and even use it provokes the release into the blood endorphin - beloved happiness hormone and good mood.

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