Mandatory care of the apple tree, in September and October: only 4 steps to a great harvest, which need to be done now

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Winter in my region is not to say, that is too harsh, but the 20-degree frosts sometimes occur, which means that the majority of garden trees need my help to prepare for the winter. The best time for this - the first half of autumn, until the first frost has not yet begun, and the fruits of the past have left the tree.

In this article I will discuss about the features of the care of the apple trees in the fall, and for the convenience spread them on the steps in the order in which I do it myself.

Stage 1: Purification and digging

To apple trees in the spring and summer did not hurt me and delighted rich harvest, I try for fall clean out from under the base of each tree all fallen leaves.

The fact that it is they accumulate a dangerous fungus that unlike many useful crops simply experiencing frosts and spring can be spread to the tree.

When the leaves are collected, should be carefully dug tree trunks of apple trees: the fact that just under the top layer soil hiding any "evil" such as weed seeds and pest larvae, which in the summer and so will enough.

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If the "flip" tree trunks layer of soil, the larvae and seeds remain on the surface and die from frost.

Step 2: Fertilizer

I call this stage the "second" is only for convenience: in fact need to make fertilizer simultaneously with the digging.

A pair of buckets of manure for each trunk, plus 50 grams of superphosphate and potassium chloride (30 g) - that "the formula success "for those who want to achieve from the tree of good disease resistance and high yield.

Step 3: Cleaning the crust and Pruning

Once accidentally knocking garden tool a piece of bark on an old tree, I was stunned: it is located directly under a huge colony of larvae unknown to me. Since then, I do not risk the health of precious trees, and every 3 years consistently clean off with their old bark using rigid scraper.

With regard to pruning, it should affect only the sick and withered branches of a tree. A little trick: I spend sections just below the site where it ends "sick" or dry bark: it allows you to slice heal more evenly and gently. After cutting slices necessarily treat garden pitch.

Step 4: Watering and mulching

This stage can be considered optional if all the autumn rains come, your fruit trees is clearly not in need of a pair of extra water buckets. As for the mulch, it will, in addition to its water saving function, executes and more long-term fertilizer function.

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