Ovens for bathhouse: Tips for choosing

  • Dec 24, 2019

How to choose the right stove for a bath? Sooner or later, we ask ourselves this question, because the correct choice depends on the quality of steam and enjoy the bath treatment.

Masonry or metal

metal furnace
metal furnace

Metal furnace you can buy in the store, it does not take up as much space as masonry and quite functional. On average, such a furnace will cost you 12-14 thousand rubles.

Masonry stove closer to the traditions that originated in Russia. This oven retains heat well, and creates an almost perfect dry steam, but a masonry oven will require special skills and a good investment in the material.

Not every heater capable of creating the desired amount of steam to heat the bath to a comfortable temperature, steam is used for such purposes. With them it is possible to exhibit a temperature humidity to within a degree.

stone oven
stone oven

How to choose a high-quality metal furnace?

Firstly furnace must be made of high quality material: steel or iron. When you buy should look at the quality of assembly and welding furnace. Oven with a stone revetment will help mitigate the heat and better hold it in the steam room.

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The larger the stone, the better pairs.

But do not forget to take into account the strength of your floor anyway, will have to strengthen the floor slab or poured under the oven a separate foundation.

Choose the options from the oven glass doorOn fire pleasantly enjoy, and also shows what happens inside the furnace.

electric fire
electric fire

Wood-burning stove or electric stove?

Wood-burning stove closer to the Russian tradition it is even cheaper, so you should consider it as an option purchase. Electric oven is more expensive and requires special care, most often it is powered by 360V, so you need high-quality wiring.

A source - Stroyday.ru