How do I get excellent cabbage harvest. Everything is very simple. Exchange useful experience

  • Dec 24, 2019

Cabbage - one of the most useful vegetables. The rich variety of vitamins, it is present on our table all year round in the form of salads and salads, cabbage soup and borscht, cabbage rolls and other dishes. The fermented or pickled cabbage is excellent garnish.

On the way to an abundant harvest

In the spring, when the ground is still frozen, I grow seedlings in the greenhouse (at that time it still does not busy). After 15 centimeters throw seeds into the wells. Rare land chosen to for the transplant not to disturb the roots of seedlings. With a lump of land to resettle more increased the seedlings to a permanent place of residence. Cabbage - plant cold-resistant. Therefore, I also practice and podzimny planting cabbage. This was my way You can read here. Seeds germinate even at three degrees, and young plants can withstand temperatures up to -5-6 degrees.


This culture, like all vegetables each year likes to live in different parts of the garden. I note that it grows well in partial shade. Cabbage leaves scope due to take up much space, so these vegetables grow no more than 20 pieces. Before planting in the garden, I prepare a bed. Along the perimeter ridge I am building a box of boards. I fertilize the soil with ash and compost own cooking (how to make a nutritious and healthy for your rastishek compost, I told earlier

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here and here). But if you want to get super-useful compost and very quickly, then you here.

Saplings overlay film. Summer film to replace a fine mesh, the remainder of the construction works. It serves as protection from birds, cats, and most importantly - from a butterfly white butterfly. Another unusual, very simple and at the same time, a very effective way to protect against cabbage white butterfly, I described here. Caterpillars are derived from larvae of this insect can negate all of the future harvest. In the first year of garden activities EGE on cabbage I have not handed over. When she saw the heads of cabbage, plastered with ugly striped creatures, I dug cabbage and took away from the site.

Water - the elixir of life

Good harvest of cabbage not be obtained without irrigation. This vegetable likes to grow in damp soil. Large leaves evaporate moisture and plant growth slows. So I watered with liquid fertilizer, cooked in a barrel (insist nettle leaves mixed with ashes). Later, around the formed heads sprinkle powdered eggshells. Together with the water plant receives dish with calcium and phosphorus.

For cultivation on the site I chose The June and varieties bun. First we use in food in the summer, and "Koloboks" stand up to the autumn frosts, and then are sent to the cellar, and retain their freshness and juiciness until late spring. The secrets of heads I shared storage here.

I will not be denied the first leaves of the cabbage as advised by many. First and received. But because of the cut the lower leaves begin to curl as follows, and the head was reduced in size. If nature has created it so, therefore, it is destined to live as such. It leaves itself protects against excessive dust and dirt.