How to choose the best option of mulching and whether it is necessary to use mulch on your site

  • Dec 24, 2019

Inexperienced gardeners gardeners think that just starting to use mulch, they are freed from the lion's share of worries in the garden. As things stand in reality?


Excellent material, easily accessible, not expensive. Decaying, fertilize the soil, making the soil loose. It requires the purchase or an independent workpiece.

Take into account:

  • Buying straw bales from farmers know middle roll weighing 200-400 kg, expect that the required transport material.
  • Untangle bales of dry hay is difficult. Alternatively, use a chainsaw (literally) or mower. Always wear gloves and a respirator - a lot of dust and small litter.
  • Nitrogen absorption compensation (expansion inevitably when sen) was mixed with straw manure / litter. So the soil under the mulch will not only loose but also nutritious.
  • Decomposition of straw mulch quickly pressed. Stacking layers expect that a 10 cm layer inevitably becomes 2 days in 5 cm.


It is believed that the sawdust increase soil acidity. Deleterious effects can be minimized by adding or dolomite flour furnace ash 150 on bucket Gramov chips.

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Under a layer of sawdust there is a strong demand soil nitrogen. What can be done:

  • shed mulch layer of sawdust urea;
  • add to sawdust manure or chicken droppings.


  • the likelihood of soil acidification;
  • soil becomes poor nitrogen;
  • is 1-2 years, the second year requires a partial renovation.


  • material available at a reasonable cost;
  • It has a high coating ability falls dense layer;
  • reduces the number of weeds;
  • prevents crawling slugs and snails;
  • prevents the growth of ants;
  • It improves soil after decomposition (using manure and ash);
  • retains moisture, prevents form earthy crust.

buckwheat hulls

Kind of material that is not used widely. Purchase husk can be carried out on the bases of special or horticulture producers.

To wind husk not been scattered during operation, be sure to sprinkle it with water from the sprinkler. Then the stacking and formation of the desired layer thickness will be easier.


  • It requires skill in order to decompose it right;
  • it is impossible to buy for future use, quickly rot or require storage in a warm dry place;
  • It requires almost 100% upgrade every year.


  • lightweight material;
  • in the flower beds and the beds looked carefully compared with the color of the soil;
  • It allows the soil to breathe oxygen-enriched;
  • It helps to keep in topsoil moisture, prevents the formation of a hard crust.

non-woven fabric

The name of the material is a lot, but in fact it is one and the same product. Available in black and white. In this mulching better to choose the material of black color density of from 60 g / m2.

Important! The higher the density of the covering material, the longer the "carpet" and the less favorable conditions will be weeds.

Tip! Do not replace the non-woven fabric thick black film. It creates all the conditions for the creation of the greenhouse effect, which means that for reproduction wood lice, caterpillars and other pests.


  • material can not be called budget;
  • It requires careful fixing on beds and flower beds;
  • It requires care in winter: cleaning, drying and storage.


  • It is from 2 to 5 years (depending on the density);
  • Ideally struggling with weeds;
  • It protects the soil from pests;
  • It protects the fruit from contact with the ground;
  • under the material better soil warms up and keeps the microclimate.

Choose the type of mulch that you think most appropriate for your site. Experiment seek new approaches and share your findings in the comments!