Fix ugly flower: A few competent tips

  • Dec 24, 2019

Flower beds - it's beauty, and great work. Novice gardeners, and sometimes not at all newcomers, fill them with all the variety of colors, wanting to achieve the illusion of continuous flowering. Often, some of the plants are dying, unable to endure the neighborhood, and the other - on the contrary, grow up too high and large, covering a rest. Then there is a need to correct the ugly flower garden, giving it a new look.

Flower beds - it's beauty, and great work. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Flower beds - it's beauty, and great work. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Indicators for redevelopment

Re-planning - an indispensable part of the care of flower beds. It is necessary to carry out at the end of the summer, that's when flowerbeds stay on top of their beauty and bloom. But also visible deep flaws flower bed.

Before beginning work, decide that you are not comfortable in the flower garden, as reasons for re-planning may be several factors:

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  • lack of order at the landing, in connection with which the plants interfere with each other to absorb light;
  • size or shape, which are no longer fit into the portion and not in harmony with the other landings;
  • Sometimes flowers are planted correctly, but it lacks a certain finality that is needed to organize the composition.
With all these factors will help to create the beauty of complete redevelopment.

A few tips to make your flower garden has got a beautiful view

The first thing you need to do - clear the area. The most successful flowers can be left in the same place, and the rest - to transplant any vacant flower bed or other convenient location. Basically transplanted perennials, but sometimes annuals do well with change, so they too can move.

If you want to change the size or shape of a flower bed, then the next stage - the design of new options:

  • We advise to immediately determine whether the bumpers in a flower bed.
  • Looking suitable size. It must be a multiple of the value of the most recurrent - the most used for this purpose windows.
  • Determine the shape of the future design based on the shapes and proportions that are prevalent in your area. The form can be done in the form of a circle, square, arched.
  • By selecting the size and configuration of a flower bed, drive pegs on its outline and connect them with a rope.
Re-planning - an indispensable part of the care of flower beds. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Re-planning - an indispensable part of the care of flower beds. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

It is now possible to make bumpers, if they were not. If there were - to change or update. They can be made of brick, timber, sand or concrete, which furnish pebbles. The main thing is to fit into the flower bed just the plot area. Besides the beauty border performs a practical function, since prevents weeds germinate different.

After that, we proceed to the planting plan. Most of the flower beds flowerbeds are conceived as continuous flowering, but are placed incorrectly. Therefore, over time the plant pleasing 2-3 times a year, and a bed covered with greenery in the rest of the time.

fit algorithm:

  • Divide the flower garden on a plot of arbitrary size and order. Such segments may be 15-20 that could come close to continuity; If the area is not large, it is possible to make 10.
  • Flowers are planted so that the ones that bloom after each other, were not in the neighborhood. Between them it is desirable to plant the plants blooming in a different time. It looks natural and more beautiful.
  • If the flower is viewed from different angles, the high plant flowers in the center, and if 1 or 2 - the rear.
  • Necessarily on a bed plant samples having large flowering period. As well as those who have multiple blooms per season.
  • Complement and complete the song will help the flowers purchased in pots. They can be arranged on several sides and assess the completeness of the landscape.
  • Another tip: decorate flower garden will help 1-3 different bushes from this he acquires the volume and shape.
  • Several plots leave empty seat next to them may be new plants.

When you decide to make partial alterations, we must act similarly. The difference is that some plants remain there, where they were, and they podsazhivayut new planted or move to other places within the most beds. In this embodiment, the composition will be able to complement the old various decorative elements: figurines, lamps, stones and old watering cans.

original articleand many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.

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