How to get rid of pesky weeds in your garden paths and garden trails: 5 Effective Ways!

  • Dec 24, 2019

Well-groomed, neat garden paths decorated with incredibly even the most rarely visited country site. However, they are really beautiful only in the case of the master's close supervision.

So how do you resist the intrusive weeds on paths and tracks of his own hacienda.

Methods of controlling weeds in the garden path

Contemplated methods are realistic, experience real gardeners, are not devoid of common sense and often effective.

  • Early weeding young. While young weeds are easier to remove from the soil, the root system is weak. After a thorough weeding seams track and its borders, removing the loosened soil is important grass sprinkle some weighty substrate. This can be gravel or sand.
  • Track "under a fur coat." Tightly hide the entire track with plastic film, roofing paper or canvas. Attach material stones or bricks to the wind is not violated coating. Leave a "coat" for 3-7 days. Following removal of material to remove the weeds died. Grass will be lifeless and easily pulled out from the soil. But the seams and the perimeter of the track is also important to sprinkle sand.
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  • wood sprinkling. This method is good and when there are rocky paths, and only when preparing for future marking of pedestrian paths to testify. All web paths fill any sawdust or wood chips fines. Pour chips as needed. It is important that the layer was thick enough - 3-5 cm, to weed formed a hostile environment that prevents growth. The tree - an environmentally friendly material, it will not damage neighboring garden crops or ornamental plants.
  • alkaline attack. Any chemical exposure be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the beneficial cultures. Spread not where you want, weeds and grass can be liberally sprinkled lime lime or dolomitic lime flour. Sprinkle seams tracks layer 3-5 cm. For the best effect for 1-2 days sheltering burlap or canvas.
  • vinegar essence. Quite a time-consuming process, especially if a lot of weeds. The point is simple: pour vinegar in a wide bowl with a brush to grease every weed acetic composition. During the day the plant "burns." Vinegar watered track is not necessary, since the excess material is easy to go into the ground, and with it to the roots of plants, including cultural.

Of course, the possible weeds growing between the joints of tiles or garden stacked stones, it would be necessary to think before laying. But if this enlightenment does not happen in the time necessary to fight and prevent what is already there. And even if it happens, you have to be ready to deal with pest always sly.