Tips experienced gardener: How to save and restore your fruit trees damaged by rodents

  • Dec 24, 2019

Very frustrating to find that your favorite tree damaged in the most vulnerable spot. The earlier identified this unfortunate incident, the more chances to save it, and most importantly check the cambium, if he survived, then all can be corrected.

IMPORTANT! Cambium - is rich layer beneath the bark, which builds up and increases the annual rings of wood thickness.

Other rodents leave various damages. For example, mice can just nibble the crust on top, without affecting the cambium. This is the most simple to treat wounds, but if you do not pay any attention to, the tree will die. It is generally sufficient to wrap the trunk of a film. Better to use a stretch, since it is well stretched and allows very tight to cover the surface of the air and water.

Rabbits and goats bark with a large trunk area. They remove her stripes, so in the case of narrow lesions have a chance that the tree will survive. Zealous gardeners daubed their garden pitch for disinfection and accelerating the process of overgrowing.

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There is another way: instead of pitch to cover a mixture of clay and cow dung. On top of the barrel is best to wind the film and even a cover with roofing material that will protect the wound from sunlight and helps the tree to keep warm. Under it will grow young fresh bark.

If, however, the cambium killed, the bark will be reduced around the edges of a few years. To stimulate the proliferation of bark will need to scratch build-up, and each time updating vara layer. In the case where the bark is damaged on a large scale, experienced gardeners spend vaccinated wood bridge. For information on how to do this will be discussed in a future article. Subscribe to the channel to avoid missing valuable information.

If the measures were taken at the wrong time or in less than necessary amount, it remains only to cut the barrel, cover up garden pitch cut and grow new kidneys of fruit trees.

From goats put a good fence, do not leave them loopholes and running on your site. Do not leave the bait to birds, they oblyubuyut your garden if they find there deposits of carrots and cabbage stalks. Many gardeners wrapped tree trunks kapron tights to obstruct access to a tasty crust. Someone scatter poison mice.

Protect your pets from attacking hungry rodents, be vigilant and check the safety of the bark, and never tighten with treatment.