Super-yielding Bow Dual-use! Shallots ~ Sorokozubka. Hurry to plant!

  • Dec 24, 2019
Vintage shallot one hole
Vintage shallot one hole

Recently, shallot is rapidly gaining popularity. And it's no wonder! Anyone who knows very familiar with this culture, that it:

  • Completely unpretentious in cultivation.
  • It has a high resistance to disease.
  • It contains far more nutrients than regular onions.
  • It gives incredibly high yields. On the one bulbs can be assembled up to a pound of onions.
  • It has a very gentle and soft greens, which can be cut throughout the growing season.

And on this his dignity is not the end.


Harvest one bulbs
Harvest one bulbs

He has many other names, and certainly you have heard at least one of them: sorokozubka, family bow Kuschevka, Charlotte.

Features of growing shallots.

Shallots on a bed
Shallots on a bed

onion shallot cultivation technology is virtually no different from the conventional cultivation of onions. The only difference is that the shallot bulb is planted does not increase in size, and is divided into several of the same bulbs. Depending on variety and growing conditions of bulbils in the nest is from 4 to 40 pieces. On one hole can receive several bulblets total mass of about a pound.

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Special features shallots


Shallot differs high frost resistance and easily withstands lowering the temperature to -3 ° C to -5 ° C. Therefore, even small freezing of bulbs have no effect on its yield and keeping quality.

Of course, we can not ignore and do not say a word about green shallots. Shallots appreciated not only for its high yield, but also for its magnificent gentle green feathers that never become stiff. Green feather onions shallots can be cut during the growing season, right up to the harvest.

Shallots on greens
Shallots on greens

Also shallot has an excellent keeping quality and has the great advantage over the classical onions. The bulbs of this sort do not lose their taste properties even after prolonged storage and the least prone to drying out and rotting.

It is worth noting also the fact that shallot onion differs from its precocity. By the second half of July, shallots already fully matured and absolutely ready for harvest.

And by the way, another big plus, which will be appreciated by the hostess! :) When cleaning, cooking and cutting shallots do not hurt the eyes, and does not cause excessive tearing.