You can grow basil bush height and diameter up to 95 cm, following the 5 simple basic rules

  • Dec 24, 2019
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I am often asked how I manage to cultivate such gorgeous bushes of basil. And I always say that there is nothing complicated about it. If you know some nuances concerning this culture, it is possible to easily grow a giant bush basil.

Photo from personal archive. Basil
Photo from personal archive. Basil

My bushes reach 90 cm in height and of the same size in diameter. This is clearly seen in the photo, where next to a bush of basil, I put for clarity 12-liter bucket.

Of all the early stages of cultivation of basil, you can learn in my previous articles:

How to grow basil is a luxury. Part 1. Sowing

How to grow basil is a luxury. Part 2. Landing

But more on that later, but for now let's talk about:

How to grow basil

Nothing complicated and supernatural about it. The main thing - to know and remember that love basil. It:

  • Well-lit sunny areas;
  • fertile soil,
  • timely regular watering,
  • organic fertilizing;
  • regular collection.

Care basil

This is my bush in "teen" age)
This is my bush in "teen" age)

After my plants grow to 20-30 cm, pinch the tops, I. It is good to promote the active growth of side shoots, which had already formed.

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I do not forget about the regular watering, especially in hot sunny days. Even when planting basil I mulch the beds ripped off and dried weeds and cut grass. This mulch it keeps moisture in the soil and gives some food for the bushes of basil.

Top dressing of basil

You may ask: what can be powered by a fresh and humus mulch? The thing is that I am at intervals of 10-15 days shed beds with basil with a solution of EM preparation Baikal-EM1. This drug contains live beneficial microorganisms, which are very fast to process organic forms available to plants.

Thus, grass mulch not only keeps the moisture in the garden, but also feeds my plants all the "delicious" and useful substances decompose under the influence of EM preparation. You can use any other EM preparation. They all have one principle. I did not use other, me and Baikal suits over.)

Clarify small detail, for those who are not familiar with these drugs. They contain microorganisms that work only in a humid environment. So do not allow the drying of the soil in the beds.

Basil dressing Baikal-EM1 I alternate with humus fertilizer dressings. Personally, I really liked Gumi OZHZ. It contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, fitosporin and 11 trace elements. All I do at night feeding and sheet, just watering from a watering can.

Regular harvesting basil. "A haircut"

It is the same bush after the partial shearing
It is the same bush after the partial shearing

Do not wait until your bush basil will grow to the required size, and cuts him regularly. The more often you make it, "cut", the more it will grow, thanks to regular organic fertilizing and watering. Otherwise, basil bloom quickly and then all the power of the bush will not go into growth, and flowering and seed formation. When the basil blooms, the leaves are small and stiff stems.

In the picture is the same bush, only after the partial shearing. The truth is not so beautiful, like her, but do not worry, it will grow quickly!)))

If you happen to miss even the time and noticed that the bush only began to drive out the flower stalks, do not worry. Just pluck or clip the them, Feed the bush, and he will begin to grow again.

Thank you and see you soon! :) Come visit - Stay live! :)