Diseases and pests pions: photos, description and treatment

  • Dec 24, 2019

When growing peonies flower growers are faced with various diseases and pests which attack the young shoots and flowers. Determine the nature and methods of eliminating the problem can be difficult. Therefore, when the first signs of any disease need to proceed to a radical culture treatment.

Peonies - decoration of any garden, but, like other plants susceptible to various diseases. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Peonies - decoration of any garden, but, like other plants susceptible to various diseases. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

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diseases of pions

There are various diseases and pests pions, which jeopardize their flowering and decorative. In most cases, the plant is exposed to rust. With the progression of the problem on the leaves appear brown spots, orange or reddish. In the absence of proper measures, fungal spores are carried to healthy peonies.

For recovery plant pruning carried diseased leaves, followed by combustion. More green parts sprayed Bordeaux liquid with a concentration of 1%.

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Among the most dangerous diseases colors emit gray rot. It appears on all plant parts, including:

  • Stems.
  • Buds.
  • Leaves.
Diagnose the disease is simple: if in the spring begin to fade, young shoots, then it may be due to the development of botrytis. Another problem is accompanied by the appearance of gray mold on the leaves and brown spots near the root collar. If you do not start treatment, peony begins to wither and die.

In order to eliminate gray mold damaged parts are cut and burned away from home. In late autumn the stems are cut short, and in the spring treated with a solution of Bordeaux.

Powdery mildew - another pions disease faced by mature and old individuals. It is identified by the raid on the leaves. For the treatment of colors using 0.5% sodium carbonate solution, dilute with soap.

Furthermore, pions subjected to the following diseases:

  • Mosaic leaves. Is a viral disease that is accompanied by the formation of spots and light green stripes on the leaves. Cure the sick in such instances should not be a problem. Therefore, they decided to dig up the garden and burn.
  • Lemoine disease. Scientists still do not know the causes of the disease. It is diagnosed by the crushing plant, slow growth and lack of flowering shoots. The plant is not treatable and destroyed.
  • Verticillium Wilt. The problem is manifested in the formation stage of buds. If peonies looks healthy, but their shoots and leaves wither, the chances of defeat colors Verticillium Wilt.

pests pions

Peonies suffer from ant attacks. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Peonies suffer from ant attacks. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

As with other flower culture, peonies can suffer from the attacks of pests. Among them:

  • Ants. Insects like a sweet syrup from the buds, so they are willing to destroy the leaves and petals in search of a drink. Fighting ants is to spray repellents colors.
  • Aphid. Small pest with a greenish body settling on the tops of the shoots and drinks are juices. During the multiplication of colonies of aphids and plant fade quickly loses its vitality. In order to combat aphids her wash off with water or picked by hand. If the number of insect is constantly growing, the culture is treated fitoverm or aktellik, following the instructions.
  • Root-knot nematodes. Harmful organisms affect the root system of colors. Small worms localized nodular swellings in the roots. To rid crops from pests impossible, so growers are going to drastic measures and remove infected plants from the flower garden. Further soil is treated with a solution of formalin (1%). To prevent problems, you need to choose responsibly planting material and to carry out deep digging of the soil before landing work. Yet it is important to burn the plant remains at the clean-up.
  • Chafer. Pest different golden-yellow back, and its maximum activity seen in the period from May to August. Beetle destroys petals, stems and leaves of peonies. To fight chafer soil should be loosened regularly and at the stage of formation of flower buds should handle the plant extract or tomato foliage chemicals.
If the time to begin treatment and pions ensure proper care, their health will be restored.

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