As I was saying about the lights on the various TV channels

  • Dec 24, 2019
Public, which poured to visit us, filmed on hockey, so all in the winter, and we - in the summer.
Laughter recorded in the zoo. The fat that is very applauded when I talk about education, are at the circus.
Son, we eg mount from another family. Our less like his father than this.
Where I was joking at first, and then laughter - not my voice, and where the first laugh, and then I kidding - it's mine.
While his hands on his knees not my hands men. A women's knees, too, not mine - they were taken from the program "Health".
M. Zhvanetskiy "How is television"

Many TV channels invited me as an expert on LED lamps. I'll tell you and show you what this turns out.

After my publication LED lies an unprecedented scale TV channel REN TV has removed plot. Went to them in the studio with the equipment, gave details about the 11 watt LED candle, which in the world can not be, as they are sold, talked about what a bad bulb differs from the well, measured parameters of the pair lamps. From half an hour of the shooting in the plot got 20 seconds.

instagram viewer v = BmbSKxzt3YA # t = 2m11s

Earlier this year, I talked about the good and bad bulbs in the filming of the program Man and the Law on the First Channel. He told about all the parameters about the danger of ripple about overestimation characteristics. The plot has got only a comparison of the power of different types of lamps. v = 5cc-4BRVsNM # t = 40m17s

Soon more will leave the story about the light bulb with my participation in the program of "marvel of engineering" on NTV. Let's see what's left of my words there.

I appeared on television for more than twenty times and I know that everything depends on the editors. Of all that the expert says, is taken only what you need on the subject, and often this is not the main point, that the expert would like to express. Fortunately, I have never come across the fact that the meaning of what was said deliberately changed by the installation, though often heard of such.

But still I would like to hope that the time of the shooting, I spent not in vain and nuggets of information leaking through the editorial sieve, will be useful to people.

© 2019 Alex Nadozhin