New cryptocurrency distribute free

  • Dec 24, 2019

Eight years ago, April 25, 2010 the first official sales in 1000 of 0.3 cents per Bitcoin. Now one Bitcoin is worth $ 6400, it rose to two billion times.

Sly Israeli Saar Wilf, who created several successful payment companies, one of which - Fraud Sciences was acquired PayPal in 2008, invented a new cryptocurrency called Q. In the initial phase of its go around for everyone. Almost everything.

Of course, cryptocurrency in the world and many are successful only a few of them. No one knows what fate awaits Q. Perhaps no one about it and not remember in five years. But who knows, and suddenly "take off"?

Q Who are dealt invitations. Each member can invite a maximum of five people. Each of the guest may also invite five. In general, built a pyramid, but of limited size, and while this is not the financial pyramid, because nothing except for the name and email address for the entry is not required, and the cost of the Q so far is zero.

I decided to try it, try it and you. Invitations are looking for in the comments to my post in LJ - they are many.

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P. S. And another cryptocurrency distribute: Ethereum Cash Pro:

© 2018 Alex Nadozhin

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