How to make an elementary device for precise sharpening drills

  • Dec 24, 2019
How to make an elementary device for precise sharpening drills
How to make an elementary device for precise sharpening drills

Sooner or later, the farm is going too blunt drills. Without a special tool to sharpen their can be quite difficult. You can fix this by using normal hand tools, which is made with their own hands for one night if you wish. That's for sure: the engine of progress laziness!

Creating a "sharpener"

Done is such a blank. / Photo:
Done is such a blank. / Photo:

So, in order to make a simple but effective tool for sharpening drills in the home, you will need to get wood bar 100 × 50 × 30 mm square school, pencil and ordinary drill and evrovint (or any other similar threaded member wood). When all is ready, you can begin to create a sharpening tool.

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Cut corners. / Photo:
Cut corners. / Photo:

In the first place at the end of the bar through-hole drill. You can use the usual drill. It must be perfectly flat and vertical. If you do not fulfill this condition, it all goes ashes - when you try to sharpen drills such a tool, the edges will not get the same.

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That's all. / Photo:
That's all. / Photo:

Thereafter, an angle of 120 degrees is necessary to cut the two angle beams. Pre worth making markup at an angle of 30 degrees. Marked lines should cross in the center. Slice, in turn, must be strictly Appendicularia bands. Also at the top must be cut angle of 120 degrees. Here and almost all the side faces need to make a hole of corresponding diameter to merge with a central hole.

How to use "sharpener"

We use the grinder. / Photo:
We use the grinder. / Photo:

Before you start sharpening drill is inserted into the hole, then you need to put the plane right on the cutting edges of the bar. The tool is clamped tightly evrovintom. After that is taken and placed on a side grinder. She used to careful and consistent sharpening edges. Sharpening is terminated as soon as the sander comes into a tree. The procedure is repeated for each side of the drill.

Note: The whole procedure of creating such a grinding tool takes about 15 minutes.

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