Test extinguisher OU-2

  • Dec 24, 2019

Sales can be found two types of household fire extinguishers - powder (OP) and carbon dioxide (DU). Powder fire extinguisher is not enough that puts out less, so more and fall asleep all around the powder so that when a small fire on the effects of the powder will be more pitiable than that of the fire itself.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher extinguishes very cold jet of carbon dioxide, which does not leave any traces, and puts out better.

About five years ago I bought the most simple and cheap two-liter carbon dioxide fire extinguisher OU-2 and cast it into the trunk of the car. A couple of days ago it was discovered that a fire extinguisher slowly hisses - valve through which a fire extinguisher tucked began slowly to pass gas. I decided that since the fire extinguisher still come to an end, it is necessary to it before sending it to the trash test.

How behaved extinguisher, I was surprised and disappointed.

First of all, it turned out that disrupt the seal by hand is not strong enough. After a few tens of seconds of torment came up with the idea to start to turn the pin to seal wire is wrapped on her and snapped. Happened. Then you need to pull the wire from the checks and pull the pin. All this takes a lot of time, which will not be in the case of a real fire.

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Pulling the pin, I pulled the trigger and fire extinguisher.. nothing happened. I pressed on him with power and personal. In the end I put the fire extinguisher on the ground and resting in the ground struggled squeezed the trigger two. And the process has begun there.

https://www.youtube.com/watch? v = 3T_-NPel9UY

With very loud hissing of the fire extinguisher gas stream starts to break out. I was sure that the carbon dioxide fire extinguisher can be "switched on and off," but there it was. Begin the process could not be stopped until all the gas is not out of the fire extinguisher. A gas leaves only ten seconds. If you could "pshikat" a little bit, it's not small, but ten seconds at a time - very little.

Perhaps the fire extinguisher was defective. Or maybe he's just rusty, but the fact remains - the launch has taken much time and effort and skill required, and to stop the process did not work. Well, it is not suitable for fighting a real fire, and that he is not likely to help.

© 2016 Alex Nadozhin

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