What vegetables are useful only boiled or baked form

  • Dec 24, 2019
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We all know how useful vegetables, it's a storehouse of vitamins and minerals needed by the body for normal functioning.

It is believed that the most useful substances contain exactly fresh vegetables, because in the process of heat treatment most of the "good" simply disappears. This is partly true, but there are a few representatives of the vegetable crops that are useful only after exposure to high temperatures.

This is due to the fact that the human body can not afford to digest some useful components of the raw vegetable, but if you cook it, they will simply pass on splitting bang. In this article you will learn which vegetables are best eaten boiled or baked formThem to bring as much as possible the use of the body.

And starting this list with all your favorite carrot, Full of beta-carotene, which is converted in the body into vitamin A. This component helps not only a long time to preserve youth and wrinkles, but also provides a good vision. The bottom line is that of raw carrots, our body can absorb only about 5% of the amount, while he digested almost all the boiled vegetables. Moreover, it is much better if the carrot will be ingested with a small amount of fat - it will contribute to more rapid absorption of β-carotene and convert it into vitamin A.

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tomatoes also cause a lot of controversy, as many believe that this vegetable is certainly necessary to use only fresh. Yes, in principle, this proposition is true, because lycopene - the substance that is found in tomatoes, assimilated even from neotvarennyh vegetables. However, that these are processed more efficiently, tomatoes before eating it is better to fry in vegetable oil - healthy fats here, too, are very relevant.

fresh beets It contains far more nutrients than boiled, but raw vegetables biologically valuable substances hardly digestible.

But, cook vegetables 2 - 3 hours is also not recommended as a long-term impact of temperature make it "blank" on the utility. How, then cook the beets to extract the most of it? In this case, there is no better assistant than a pressure cooker - just wash the beets, cut it into 4 pieces and send in this miracle of technology - in 20 minutes the vegetable will be ready.

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