Many gardeners seeking to grow in their area the most natural and healthy crop They prefer only organic fertilizers, because they do not contain harmful chemicals connection.
Especially popular among those enjoying fertilizing compost and domestic animal waste - cows, sheep, horses and birds. But if with compost and manure are all more or less clear, here Bird droppings should be given special attentionAs thoughtless his number in the beds may harm human health. In this article I will discuss why the crop, which regularly and generously fertilize bird droppings, loses its usefulness and naturalness.
It all started that my neighbor at the cottage my husband brought back from the trip interesting, and most importantly, relevant gift - nitratometr. Naturally, she immediately let this interesting piece in the case, in order to verify their vegetables for the presence of any "bad things." Imagine her surprise when, in the beds, she had fertilized the only "natural" and the like as harmless chicken droppings, the device showed a significant excess of the norm.
Yes, imagine, because chicken manure vegetables became much zanitrachennymi, let alone such a harvest for sure will not benefit the body. It has long been known that the nitrates adversely affect human health, as in the process of digestion are converted into nitrites and may provoke the development of tumors. Agree, no one would knowingly take the risk and joke with your health.
Therefore, in order not to endanger themselves and their loved ones, use bird droppings carefully (1 every 3 years), without exceeding it set permissible norm - only in this case, you can grow a good quality crop, without a share of chemicals and harmful compounds. Personally, I completely abandoned chicken manure as fertilizer.
And for greater certainty in the naturalness of its fruit, and advise you to get nitratometrom - this device will become your an indispensable tool in the quality control of own-grown vegetables and fruits, which appear on a daily basis the dining table.