How best to protect the car from corrosion

  • Dec 24, 2019
How best to protect the car against corrosion.
How best to protect the car against corrosion.

Body every vehicle eventually begins to decay by the action of the natural and pernicious effect as metal corrosion. The reasons for the development of a myriad of rust, but they are somehow reduced to aggressive environment on the car body, as well as improper use and delayed maintenance service.

Step One: Identify corrosion before it appears

Rust is very dangerous. | Photo:
Rust is very dangerous. | Photo:

First of all, every driver has to think about how to advance to identify corrosion and to take appropriate measures that will not let it spread. In order to strike a blow for preemption, must be regularly scheduled inspection of the vehicle. Bumpers and brake pads - the most vulnerable places for rust. Most people neglect their inspection due to the fact that they are very often heavily contaminated. On examination, be sure to use a flashlight. Of course, before you do something with the wheel or bumper they need to be cleaned.

Note: Manufacturers recommend to inspect the brake pads every 10,000 km.
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It is mandatory to regularly check the entire lower part of the car, because it is the most vulnerable to the aggressive environment. Remember that things like road salt and chemicals, significantly increases the risk of rust on the parts of the machine.

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Check the bottom. | Photo:
Check the bottom. | Photo:
Note: You need to pay attention not only on the external parts of car, but also on the inside. Do not forget to check them even when changing the oil.

Finally, special attention is paid to those places where the joined parts of the vehicle body. This is another weak spot, which often begins development of negative processes. Be sure to check the doors and fenders, hood and trunk. The discovery of the paint bubbles - this is the first alarm bell that bad.

The recommendation of experts: Major effect in preventing corrosion is, of course, the removal of moisture from the surface of the car. It is vitally important to ensure that the body of the car was well protected painted. If the inspection found a flaw in the coating should immediately take measures to protect.

Step Two: washing the car, as a way to protect against corrosion

Washing is very important. | Photo: Advertising.
Washing is very important. | Photo: Advertising

Impurities and sediment in the mud and the water falling on the body of the car and its most important part - is the main cause of corrosion effects. It impurities gradually destroys the protective coating and paint, penetrating into the very depths. That is why it is vital in a timely manner to wash the car, especially in the season of increased aggressiveness of the road environment. Do not neglect during the washing machine to clean and chassis. Many sinks offer it as a special service. Wash the bottom and can be on their own, if the farm has a hose.

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The recommendation of experts: Road salt can be neutralized by means of baking soda. Just add a small amount of baking soda and soap in the water, which will be pomyvka machine. For example, to clean the chassis of the car is enough to one tablespoon.
It is important to rinse off the soap. | Photo:
It is important to rinse off the soap. | Photo:

During the bathing it is very important to remove all soap residue from the body of the machine. If soap dries, it will contribute to the destruction of the paint in the future. Also, be aware that the car must not be washed in direct sunlight.

expert advice: Covering each vehicle needs regular treatment with wax. Wax will not only make the car beautiful shine, but also provide an extra level of protection.

Step Three: preventing corrosion propagation

Remove rust and gruntuem. | Photo:
Remove rust and gruntuem. | Photo:

If rust has already appeared on the body and other elements of the design of the car, then you need to give it an urgent battle. To do this, you can go for expert help or try to solve the problem on their own. If you do not take action urgently, corrosion will rapidly spread. With each subsequent week the cost of its removal will grow, as well as the likelihood of the need for large-scale repair cars.

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Remove corrosion can be using sandpaper or a razor. Do not forget to use special tools for cleaning. If the location of corrosion paint started peeling off - it means that she no longer has contact with the metal, and soon it will fall off. All the damaged area will have to be repainted - no other choice.

Do not forget about the defense. |Foto:
Do not forget about the defense. |Foto:
Important: When you remove rust with their hands important not to hurry and to be careful in the first place, in order not to damage the paintwork still whole.

After removal of the external signs of rust, deal with the entire portion of "treatment" means preventing the growth of corrosion. Apply the product recommended thin layer. Included with most drugs (usually) is a special brush for applying the composition.

Note: Before starting work, be sure to read the instructions.

When the means of propagation of corrosion dries, on top of it will be necessary to apply a primer. A layer of primer is applied to the spot where earlier there was corrosion. It should be thin, but dense enough to completely close the body metal. It is recommended to use a cloth or paper towel for uniform application of the primer. It must be done before it will begin to flow. After this will only apply the paint.

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I would like to learn even more interesting how the case with corrosion in the car? Then here is the material that experts told what cars are robust body and which decay almost immediately after the acquisition of the cabin.
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