What will happen to the body, if every day to eat a clove of garlic

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Garlic - one of the most popular vegetable crops, which are grown in almost every country site. He is actively used hostesses in the cooking process, because it adds zest to dishes and a special flavor.

But, alone taste of the properties do not end there - Garlic is considered to be a very useful addition to the human bodyThanks to its composition contained in the microcells. What will happen to our bodies when we eat a clove of garlic every day? The answer to this question, you will learn from this article.

Garlic can be eaten as simply prikusku with bread, and in the various sauces - here everyone the right for itself to choose the appropriate option. In both cases, garlic is beneficial effect on the body, with the result that it will soon happen positive changes:

- strengthen the immune system, so that the whole body will be well protected against various infections and viruses;

- will thin the blood, which will improve the overall condition of the person, and insure it from the appearance of blood clots and high blood pressure;

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- skin will be healthy and clean, as garlic removes toxins, due to which and appear acne, rash and black dots.

Garlic is recommended to include food in the afternoonIn the late afternoon, but have it for breakfast, on an empty stomach, in any case can not, because it is fraught with the appearance of gastric pain and the appearance of heartburn.

Also, do not forget about the strong smell of garlic, which is considered to be quite sharp and specific - that is another reason, Why garlic is better to move the meal for dinner, when you'll be ready for bed, and will not communicate with a lot of strangers people.

So if you are up to that point did not favor garlic on his desk, think about the benefits that it will bring to your body. A of its odor, incidentally, can be removed easily via apple, mint or lettuce leaves to be chewed after food intake.

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