Summer feeding for your garden: options and technologies

  • Dec 24, 2019

To get a healthy and rich harvest, it is necessary to periodically feed the plants. To meet the needs of all horticultural crops require summer feeding.

Plants should be fed in the summer. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Plants should be fed in the summer. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
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How to choose a fertilizer?

Different plants "preferences" often do not coincide. Requirements cultures vary depending on the characteristics of growth and development. Summer feeding for the garden will help to improve the yield in the long term. However, to achieve the desired result you need to know some tricks agronomic:

  • When formed leaves and stems, the plants in dire need of nitrogen. It serves as the main power element. Therefore, nitrogen fertilizers are needed during such period. They should contribute to the early summer until mid-July. If you continue to feed the nitrogen culture, taste the fruit markedly deteriorate. Then the crop becomes unusable for storage.
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  • When flowering and fruiting plants require large amounts of potassium and phosphorus. Meanwhile, do not forget the other elements. Tomatoes and sugar beet need a lot of boron. Fruit trees requires calcium, zinc and boron.
  • With a lack of any substance plant can submit original signals, but a slight discomfort they carry easily. When the situation becomes critical, there are alarm bells. Careful summer resident is able to observe deviations in the growth and development of crops.
Lack of nitrogen more noticeable on old leaves, as Young active suction member. With its lack stalks grow worse. Leaves become light green hue. Later, they begin to turn yellow from the end of the stalk. Plants flower and fruit sooner, but at the same time give a poor harvest. In the strawberry appears smaller antennae. The disadvantage of nitrogen are particularly susceptible potato and apple.
Dressing can be added to the soil. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Dressing can be added to the soil. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Sometimes gardeners go to the other extreme. They are too generous beds fertilized with nitrogen. About overabundance element speaks too lush greenery and flowering later. Sign clearly expressed in the zucchini and cucumber. On overfed plants fruits ripen longer and worse than stored.

Adding fertilizing the soil

To receive important cultural matter, they should add to the ground. There they penetrate into the root system. You can take any fertilizer: a solution, solid or liquid.

Organic well suited infusion of bird or cow dung. LP fertilizing considered organic mulching the root. Compost or humus pour a layer of 2 cm.

Before and after feeding necessarily pour water beds. You can not ignore the soil moisture in drought. If the moisture is small, the roots absorb the bad food.

How to spray the leaves?

By the second half of July, the culture is already fully formed. The above-ground mass allows to feed the plants through the leaves. You can use weakly concentrated solutions of special tools. Foliar application of fertilizer will be first aid, if the ground is too wet and cold. Fertilizing save the situation with the drought. Roots very poorly absorb nutrients, which is why the culture begin to starve.

Perfectly suited instant mineral preparations or fertilizers with amino acids. Spraying is best carried out in the cold days. leaf surface dries longer. They absorb the solution completely. The best time to irrigate is early morning or evening.

To fertilizing bring the desired results, it is desirable to alternate. For example, after watering the root tincture of bird droppings can mulch the plants. For this purpose is ideal compost peat. These are organic fertilizing.

After them, useful to make complex fertilizers in the form of chelate salts. They are an excellent source of trace elements necessary for crop health. Root feeding organic matter has a soft, but quite a long-term effect. Spraying the foliage plant rescues in difficult conditions, when the root portion can not digest food.

original articleand many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.

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