How to collect and preserve carrots until the next harvest. My experience

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Carrots - a tasty and healthy root vegetable, which is actively used in our family for cooking. Especially like she has to young children - rub fresh carrots on a grater, and then add a little sugar - get a great vitamin snack. Of course, part of the harvest just "shoot" for food and portion safely hide in the storage cellar, where it is well kept until the next season.

In this article I will talk about its long-term developments that will help you a long time to save the carrots in the integrity and safety right up to the next harvest.

I usually guided by the lower leaves - if they turned yellow, then the carrot is ready for harvest. At the same time I must say that those roots, who spent time in the ground more or less than expected, as a result of that are less tasty and kept much worse than those that had been dug in time.

The very process of gathering the harvest spend only in clear dry weather, and if the scheduled day suddenly began to rain, save plans for 2 - 3 days, because, in my experience, gathered in bad weather carrot will simply crack.

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Large vegetables Undermining pitchforks, and those that are less - simply pull out from the ground. After all carrot collected, spread it under a tree for a few hours, so it is good to dry.

As time passes, I proceed to the cleaning of root crops from the earth, moreover, I do it by handsInstead obbivat as many used to do.

Then crop the tops, departing from the neck of a few millimeters and a carrot sort to the one that will go to the food, and the one that will go into the cellar.

I keep reserves in filings - at the bottom of the wooden box rolling in pine sawdust, and then post the carrots, each layer of which is also sprinkled with sawdust. It can be expanded further and wormwood to protect carrots from mice.

That's because every year, I prepare carrots for storage, all excellent reserves stand the test of time. Make no mistake, the crop harvested under this scheme, be sure dolezhit right up to the next garden season!

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