Of course, all we would like to harvest collected on their own garden, kept as long as possible. But if the majority of such a test time of fruits and vegetables simply can not afford, then garlic is just right, with the right care, dolezhit until the next harvest. In this article I will discuss the most effective ways to store garlic,
I must say that pre-need dry garlicFor that place it at 7 - 10 days in a cool place, where there is no moisture and direct sunlight. Once the surface has become a well-calloused, you can start putting into storage.
The easiest way - with flour and salt. To do this, take the conventional banks and layers alternate them with garlic salt or flour, then all loosely cover with a lid. Thanks to these products, the garlic will long remain fresh and will not lose its beneficial properties.
Further "Grandma" methodFor which you need a bit of hay. Simply spread out in the box, preferably with the rack walls, a layer of hay and slide therein garlic head then transfer the improvised "barn" in the dry dark place.
Honestly, paraffin I did not have to use, but still this method is considered to be no less effective than the other. Just melt the wax, and dip it in the garlic heads, sending them afterwards on a regular sheet of paper - let harden. As such, the garlic will be great even stored on a shelf in a closet or cupboard in the kitchen.
Using the vacuum bag you can also pamper yourself with long fragrant garlic. Simply packagi heads in bags, but keep in mind that the bags must be of good quality, otherwise a "focus" simply will not succeed.
A candle or cigarette lighter can singe ordinary roots of garlic - it does not deteriorate even at room temperature.
Well, the "dessert" - garlic in oil. To do this, clean the teeth from the shells and fill them with oil, garlic in this form will be stored for a long time, and the oil absorbed the aroma, is ideal for frying.