How quickly and effectively clean the chimney soot using simple folk remedies

  • Dec 24, 2019

People living in private homes, may face the problem of clogging of the chimney. This fact can not be ignored because of the large clusters of black smoke output will be difficult, and this, in turn, affects the quality of the boiler or furnace, and the safety of those in the house people. There are a lot of people's methods of cleaning the chimney, They are light and not expensive, and most importantly, help to cope with the problem vozniknuvshey.

Let's start with table salt. This method can be used for prevention and during the initial stages of pipe clogging when nagorevshy layer of soot or soot is not very large. Everything is simple - just sprinkle with dry wood with a little salt (about 3 tablespoons. l.). In the process of burning the soot in the chimney softens and begins to crumble.

Next option - potato peelings. Yes, this method will have a few days to collect the main ingredient as cleanings will need at least a bucket. But, if you stayed in the basement last year's potatoes, which you will not use in food, it is also perfectly cope with the task. The method consists in the fact that to

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Rahman while burning the accumulated soot will cleave, Thereby completely purify pipe.

For those who believe that it will stand the test oven temperature is high, suitable method of cleaning the chimney using a nutshell. This, too, will require good is not enough - at least a full bucket - but the result did not take long. In the combustion process nutshells will release heat under whose influence a soot burn.

But, if you are an adherent of exclusively chemical means, feel free to go to the store - the good, on the shelves of specialty stores them a huge amount. And yes, do not rush to buy the most expensive means - they are all about the same composition and actions so perfectly cope with the task, and to pay for a beautiful label is simply no sense.

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