Causes blackening of leaves on the pear and my method of treatment

  • Dec 24, 2019

Not so long ago I was faced with another problem - to my favorite pear, for no apparent reason blackened leaves - they curled and its appearance resembled charred embers. With such a misfortune I had not had to fight, so I, armed with a search engine, began to look for causes and solutions to this difficult problem. Time spent searching is not in vain - I figured all "guilty" and a simple solution He cured their trees. I hasten to share their knowledge with you, because if you're reading this, then this trouble happened and you.

So, why the leaves turn black? Options, fortunately, only two - either it is fire blight or scab. In the first case, the leaves turn black and become brown from the edges to the center and shoots and does become coal-black color. The disease can penetrate the plant through various cracks and sores, but there are cases of infection through the trees and poorly crafted tool. Yes, if you disinfect your tools in a boric acid solution after cutting? If not, you should think about it - so you can make your own

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bring the plant to infectionWhich quickly spread its vessels with juice.

Scab - a fungal diseaseWhich affects not only the leaves but also fruit, flowers and shoots. In this case, the leaves are not completely change their color, and only covered with dark spots. Tree may become infected by fungal spores through the fallen leavesWhere they mature and, therefore, to reduce the infectious load, it is recommended as soon as possible to get rid of them.

In both cases, you need to immediately start treatment, because every day the number of infected leaves increases. In this case, we will help the following solution: tablespoon of vitriol on the bucket of water. Foliar spray gun use, but keep in mind that this procedure only on cloudy days can be carried out, otherwise the leaves just burn up in the sun.

Well, now you know all the main causes of dark leaves on the trees, and even know the recipe for an effective agent that will heal quickly and your bag. The solution I have used myself, so, no doubt, soon from the sores will be over!

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