How do I get rid of aphids in the garden and the garden. A simple recipe without chemicals

  • Dec 24, 2019

I was 5 years I am a fan of eco-friendly products and at his dacha try to do without chemistry. Before, I used a variety of drugs, which helped for a while, and then come back again and again aphids had to buy these "poisons" that do not know how they affect our bodies.

One day, I decided that I would only use traditional methods for pest control. I came across an old notebook of my grandmother, who diligently kept a diary and wrote down to their "recipes". Some of them were effective, while others simply do not work. There I was one effective prescription by which previously fought against aphids and now he helps me a few years every year.

It is worth noting that at first I caught ants at his dacha, and then, and with the aphids. Aphids - a very dangerous pest, which pierces the leaves and "drink" all the juice out of them. Then the plant is affected by various diseases and gradually dies. It is therefore very important to prevent this pest is no chance at an early stage.

Recipe against aphids

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Recipe itself is fairly simple and does not require large financial costs.

So, we need:

- 100 g of mustard powder

- 60 grams of red pepper (ground)

- 3 liters of water

Receive a metal container, I pour water there, add mustard powder and pepper. The whole thing was mixed thoroughly and put on fire. After the water has begun to boil, I give it another boil for 3-5 minutes.

Next, we need to make our "miracle" means hot. Then I sprinkle it means all the plants and trees. For convenience, I have done a plastic bottle with holes in traffic, or you can use a garden watering can.

Another important point - when all of a sudden it starts to rain, the procedure must be repeated.

I very much hope that this method will help you in the fight against aphids such hateful, and your plants will please rich and environmentally friendly crop.

If you have other methods and recipes to combat aphids - please post them in the comments

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