Useful than a vegetable like cauliflower and how to grow it in the garden

  • Dec 24, 2019

Such as the cabbage kohlrabi, despite all its beneficial properties for the human organism, not as is often grown in the garden. And in vain, this cabbage is low in calories, rich in vitamins, cleanses the body of toxins and impurities. You can use it at the ready a lot of tasty and nutritious meals.

Kohlrabi grow easily. First, you should choose a suitable location. It is desirable, if it is sunny, open space. This cabbage is almost whimsical to the soil, it can grow and not the fertile ground. But most delicious fruit will be fertile ground.

Vegetables grow well after tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, but it does not have to taste after all the cabbage. This culture grows fairly quickly and is its main advantage. In the warmest regions can harvest 2 times. You just need to choose the appropriate grade - earlier or later. If you want to eat fresh vegetables in the middle of July, the early variety is needed. But keep in mind - these vegetables are not stored for a long time. If you are going to store this vegetable in the winter, you should choose a late variety.

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The culture can be grown as seedlings or directly in the garden. Before planting the seeds to better prepare. They need to be soaked in warm water for 1 hour, then cool in cold no more than 1 min. You can then soaked in either stimulating solution of 6 - 8 hours, and then put into the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. When the time to wrap the seeds in a moist cloth and wait for the hatch. To take care of seedlings as well as for the usual cabbage. In this case, a root crop can be enjoyed at the beginning of July.

Prepared seeds of this culture are seeded in the ground as soon as will all freeze. Warning, this cabbage does not tolerate transplanting, so the seeds should be sown immediately to a permanent place. In the case of seedlings - in individual cups. Planted at a distance of about 30 cm and 50 cm is recommended to follow between the rows.

Kohlrabi loves watering and hoeing. In this case, the fruits are juicy and tasty. Therefore it is impossible to give to dry land. Most frequent watering is in June. As soon as the seedlings grow and get stronger you can be watered once a week.

You also can not forget about hilling. This procedure should be carried out every 2 - 2.5 weeks.

Collect vegetables can be, when the fruit will grow to 8-10 cm. in diameter. Overgrown taste good, they are rigid and may taste bitter. Cabbage is well kept in the cellar. Suffice it to remove leaves and roots and root put in a box with sand. In this case, the cabbage can be enjoyed until December.

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