How to get rid of weeds in the area

  • Dec 24, 2019

Weeds... This single word causes unpleasant emotions gardeners. They grow everywhere by leaps and bounds, especially after rains. Some careless gardeners fans do not even try to fight them than complicate the lives of their neighbors. Weed seeds are carried for kilometers by the wind and birds. But do not despair. No matter what your life can be made easier.

chemical effect

Weeds can be affected by herbicides, such as "Roundup", "Tornado" and many others. Them well to handle large areas and areas intended for planting a lawn, path clearance.

When using these medications, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions attached to it, using personal protective equipment. They are diluted with water and using a sprayer or atomizer to spray weeds. It is desirable to do so in calm and dry weather. Herbicides, spreading throughout the plant, and penetrate to the roots. A few days later the plant dies and can be removed.

In chemicals, there is one big disadvantage, if they fall on the cultivated plant or tree, they too will die. Therefore, to work with the chemistry to be very careful. The downside is also the fact that they do not act on the mature seeds of plants, so the treatment is best done before the weed seeds are still empty.

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Plus it saves time and assistance in dealing with such complex weeds as hops, the root of which is almost impossible to remove completely, especially if the plant is already large enough. After 2 weeks of preparations will be over, they do not accumulate in the soil.

It is important to remember that these drugs do not penetrate through the dense earth, so preservation of trees and crops with large root system is not necessary to dig the ground prior to the treatment.

mechanical effects

Mechanical action is the manual removal of weeds with roots, weeding, familiar to all gardeners, without exception. Surface srubanie grass hoe will not lead to the desired result, as the main root left in the ground, and immediately begins to germinate, which makes start work from the beginning.

It is better if the plant is removed from the root. For this purpose, it is desirable to use a fork instead of a shovel, which can be cut back, and even a small part of its start to germinate. Even better, if you remove a weed until it has started to bear fruit, t. E. not yet ripe seeds. When is pulled out, even trim, weed and transfer it to the place of destruction, mature seeds fall off and cover a greater surface. Such effects on weeds, maybe not forever, but still a fairly long time (several weeks) will help simplify your work. To weeds from careless neighbors are not disturbed (at least not spread roots), on the border possible to pour in portions, approximately 30cm., such as slate or metal plate, remaining from the repair roofs and fence.


This ground cover something opaque. For example, between the rows of strawberries, you can sprinkle sawdust, weeds through them will not grow. In addition, the berries are clean and dry summer moisture will persist longer. Sawdust will also serve as fertilizer. But you can use a covering material, which is sold in specialty stores. The only disadvantage of a covering material is that it can only hide in the spring, having done cuts for crops and until they are grown, and can only be removed in the fall after harvest.

But you can use folk remedies, such as salt, baking soda, which is filled weed. You can burn the grass, but with great caution so as not to create a fire hazard.

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