The secrets of growing beans in the garden, with which you can get a good harvest

  • Dec 25, 2019
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Beans belongs to the family of so-called legumes. It has a branching herbaceous stem is used as a high-calorie food, and as a decorative culture.

This article will be considered conditions of cultivation of this crop. To create comfortable conditions for the cultivation of beans, use the following operation.

Preparation of the soil for the cultivation of this crop

1. Autumn soil preparation

This training is called preliminary. Plant thermophilic so selected and the appropriate location on the plot. The chosen place to dig the full depth of the bayonet spade. When digging all the weeds with their roots are selected. Submitted organic, and if land is fertile, making at last landing, the only mineral fertilizers. It is better if they are complex.

2. Spring soil preparation

Shall consist only of mineral fertilizers, and better performance for this are complex fertilizers, such as ammonium phosphate. When planting of vegetables, should be aware of maintaining the rotation.

The landing of bean seeds

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This vegetable is planted in the soil when it is warmed up to 12 degrees. At a depth of about 10 cm. Before laying the seed in the soil, they are soaked in a simple solution of potassium permanganate, about 20 minutes. Next, the beans must be flushed and a little dry. It is sown to a depth of 6 cm. Needless distance between the rows is taken within 25 cm.

Also calculated mount of this crop for special support.

For better germination of plant seeds, immediately before the landing, it is necessary to soak in lukewarm waters. After 2 - 3 hours of perelazhivayut in a damp cloth and hold a few days, until they begin to sprout. After the landing of the seeds, planting is desirable to cover the film, it will not allow the evaporation of moisture, and create a microclimate under the film.

Plant Care

1. Optimum growth temperature

Somewhere in a week should come to light very early sprouting. Beans not tolerate a decrease in temperature, so before the advent of any frost, seedlings need to cover the coating material. Comfortable temperature for growth of the vegetable in the range of 20 - 25 degrees.

2. Care

Plant Care includes mezhryadnoe loosening soil and weeding, introduction of high-quality fertilizers and regular watering. Loosening begin after the seedlings appear. To reduce the frequency of weeding and watering, you can apply mulch. Irrigation frequency should be within 1 times a week until flowering and 2 times per week at the time of flowering. Top dressing is made with mineral fertilizers, when buds appear.

3. Fighting against plant diseases

In any disease, and it is basically a fungal disease, fighting the use of insecticides.

Cleaning and storage of beans

It depends on the purpose of the vegetable. If used vegetable pods, the cleaning is done after the length of the pod to reach 10 - 12 cm. If you plan to use ripe seeds that are expected when the pods dry up completely. Store seeds in a dry place.

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