How to grow tomatoes (tomatoes)

  • Dec 25, 2019

Tomatoes are one of the major crops grown in the garden plots. Most people trying to grow through seedlings, but not all gardeners manage seedlings strong and healthy.

Sowing of large-fruited tomatoes produced in the home of one sunflower seed in small glasses at the end of February, which are covered by the film. All other species are sown in the middle or end of March. Since tomatoes this culture is very light-requiring, it is necessary to provide additional illumination, otherwise the seedlings will be extended only in thin pasta.

With good landing ground to feed the seedlings do not need. But if you see that it is rather weak, it is possible to feed the "Uniflor Height" and "Micro Uniflor" contain as part of a full range of nutrients, not enough plants. In mid-May, the seedlings can be planted tomatoes in the greenhouse (in the heated early as possible). The greenhouse should not be full of holes, that is. To. Any gap able to destroy the seedlings. Airing of the greenhouse should be implemented through the vents rather than through holes. The soil in the greenhouse should be well fill fresh compost humus and adding the ash. Between the planting hole to observe a distance of about 50x80.

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Remember - you can not make fresh manure into the soil, even in advance in the autumn. As a result, you get a huge powerful bushes, trunks that will have as cuttings from shovels, they will bloom profusely, but the harvest at the same time will be minimal.

Fertilizing tomatoes in the early stages is carried out in small portions of nitrogen fertilizer, but do not overdo it as excessive fertilization will slow down the formation of ovaries. More ...

When the seedlings take root, grow stronger, and will give new leaves it is necessary to tie a strong rope, make a free loop around the trunk. Then the main trunk as they grow and lead on it.

Pasynkovanie separate issue, as many gardeners newcomers are confused and sometimes the leaves are removed, they do not know what's stepson, either doing it wrong. But pasynkovanie - it is an important technique for good harvest. Stepchildren are not removed only at low bush tomatoes, in all other cases, this procedure is required.

Stepchildren - this side shoots which lead to branching bush. It would be right to give stepson grow up a bit, and then break off it, leaving penechek centimeter. Note Do not cut, tear, namely prischipnut, that at this point in a moment had not grown new stepson.

Do I have to do it? - Yes, yes and yes! Capacity of green mass will lead to a significant reduction in yields. If no pasynkovaniya your bushes will survive even before the harvest, and not get sick late blight, as in the thickened bushes are created all conditions for this.

The so-called tall bushes of tomatoes grown in 1, 2 or at most 3 of the stem, it is as anyone would like. When you form the bushes in 2 stalks, leave the main shoot, and stepson, which will grow at the very first flower ovary. But all the rest are below or above ruthlessly removed, and is done so that's tedious and seemingly endless work until the harvest, at least once a week.

Watering the tomato is done on a rare and abundant, but certainly not to fill. Be sure to protect your bushes of tomatoes from late blight. In a greenhouse in the spring before planting in the fall is recommended and shed soil solution "Ekstrasola" and once every two weeks to produce spraying bushes. To all fruit tomato had time to mature, to be in the first half of August to spend vershkovanie (Removal of the inflorescences at the beginning of flowering), but it is necessary to leave the plant 2 or 3 over the last brush sheet.

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