Yellow raspberries. Features varieties and cultivation

  • Dec 25, 2019

This type of raspberries is divided into different grades. These varieties could be considered the "Golden Autumn", "yellow giant", "Amber" and others. Basically, these fruits are berries remontant species, which means repeated flowering. The fruits are distinguished by gardeners for low acid content, and from one bush can collect a few kilograms of berries.

But even here there is a significant disadvantage - poor tolerance of transport and storage, because of this, on an industrial scale, yellow raspberries are not in use. Also, doctors recommend eating a berry "right from the bush," as when cooking lose much of vitamins. You can cook the jam and desserts, but you need to cook the berries immediately after collection.

The most promising varieties include "yellow giant" and "Golden Dome". Remontant and they have good fertility. Bushes are immune to various diseases and lesions. Their berries are considered the biggest in comparison with other species. The right care, in the form of fertilizers and weed control and allow gather more berries, and for protection against pests, to periodically cut the upper leaves. The stems can be used for decorative purposes, such as to adapt them to the fence, which will create a live view of the wall.

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Based on these positive characteristics, many gardeners are willing to grow yellow raspberries on your own site, for this there are some recommendations:

1. landing area must be open to the sun has been accessible to the bush.

2. The soil should be rich in nutrients. For best results, you can use a number of fertilizers.

3. In spring and autumn, it is advisable to spread the compost. Raspberries need and urea fertilization will help saturate the desired substance roots.

4. The plant itself, much to dig into the soil is not recommended. Planting should be done in late autumn.

5. Watering is carried out before and after planting seedlings in the excavated hole.

6. When planting a large number of bushes, you need to retreat from each of half a meter.

7. Careful weeding of plants - is welcome.

8. To yellow raspberries endured the winter, you need a good shed its water at the end of October or early November.

Ultimately, this berry is perfect for gardeners with a simple care. Available - this berry will also be useful, there are practically no substances that cause allergic reactions. When breeding shrubs, a large harvest is guaranteed, as the yellow raspberry tends to bloom a few times during the season, so a lot of bushes planted optional.

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