All welcome. Shaped tube is the most demanded material for welding structures for our everyday needs at home, in the garage, in the country and so on. So we need to know not only its price, but also the weight to estimate the weight of the future construction.
For this purpose there is a special table indicating the weight of 1 meter of profile pipes of different sizes and thicknesses. But there is also a simple method by which you will be able to mentally calculate the weight of any shaped tube.
In order to understand this simple method, we take and learn the weight of 1 square meter of sheet metal, 1 mm thick, so that we learn.
The weight of the steel sheet of 1 m square 1 mm-thick 7.85 kg
1.5 mm-11.77 kg
Thickness 2 mm, 15.7 kg
2.5 mm thick, 19.62 kg
3 mm-23.5 kg
Then, quite simply, on the basis of these figures, we find out the weight of the metal strips 10 mm wide, that we will end up with
1mm for 80 grams (slightly rounded for convenience)
For a 1.5 mm-120 g
For a 2 mm 160 grams
For 2.5-mm to 200 gram
For a 3 mm-240 gram
That is, you need to remember these 5 simple number 80,120,160,200 and 240 gramm.dlya thicknesses from 1mm to 3mm.
Then, simply represent e.g. proftrubu 20 to 20, 1.5 mm thick. We take 1 meter and pipes as it unfold it into a sheet, obtain meter sheet 80 mm wide. Now, knowing the weight 10mm strips thickness of 1.5 mm is 120 grams, and have turned in band width 80 mm, which is 8 times greater, respectively multiply 120 by 8, and obtain about 960 grams of the desired weight it meter tube 20 to 20. Yes it's a little more to 30 grams of weight values from the table proftrub, but it happened because we are a little bit rounded for convenience, we require the original meaning is a small error, it does not pay attention will.
Understand. The article turned out with a lot of figures and numbers, you can get confused! But in fact, everything is easy and simple, just need to understand this simple calculation principle.
Of course, it is easier to look into the weight per meter table for shaped tubes, which can be found on the Internet. But any extra information do not exist, and for this simple system, you can quickly estimate in mind the weight of the pipe and meter design, respectively, if you are far away from the computer!