As just multiply decembrist

  • Dec 24, 2019

Not everyone likes the cacti. Green culture with thorns for most of us may seem inappropriate for home furnishing. Schlumberger is a species of cactus, which differs from the relatives of the fact that it has no thorns, besides she's just gorgeous blooms.

we grow Decembrist
we grow Decembrist
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Home culture often styled Decembrist for distinctive feature is to actively bloom in the winter cold, while the other indoor pets that decorate our windows, it's time recreation.

Zigokaktus (third title houseplant) win any grower interesting buds, that delight with bright petals wide variety of colorings (are white, orange, yellow, red). Culture is an unpretentious, reproduces quite simply, it is only necessary to choose the correct way of all.

flowering decembrist
flowering decembrist

Methods Decembrist breeding

If you have decided to make an unusual Zigokaktus with interesting leaves, it will be enough or leaf cuttings. methods of reproduction are:

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  • seeds
  • vaccinations
  • cuttings, including individual leaves.

Difficult way is to inoculate leave for professional gardeners. Such a method requires considerable experience and beginners can from the first fail.

You can try to grow the culture, acquiring seeds in the store. Then stock up on a lot of patience, it takes a lot of time and effort. Everything else there is no guarantee that the seed will grow what we need.
Care Decembrist
Care Decembrist

The most common methods of breeding

With a proven breeding method Zigokaktus handle any of you. Break off the roundabout branch of several segments from adult culture. Then there are 2 ways:

  • Place the cutting in a cool, wait until the demolition of the place will be slightly dry and it will be a transparent film, and then planted in the ground;
  • dip the cutting in water until roots appear strong, and then plant sprout in soil. There are those who are planted otrostochek Zigokaktus directly into the soil, but it is best to plant them in water: so you can see the whole process.
If your planting material - a piece of paper, do not worry. Pre-moisten the ground and place it in a leaf in half. Create a greenhouse at home culture take root successfully and without it. Decembrist - quite hardy houseplant.

Some of the important nuances

  • Schlumberger - nekapriznaya culture, respectively for the container it can come from both plastic and clay. When the sprout landed in the soil, carefully pour it.
  • Despite the fact that the plant is unpretentious, better buy the land, created specifically for cacti.
  • Flower can breed at any time of the year. Sprout quickly take hold and after only three or four weeks there will be fresh shoots.
  • Put in one pot a few cuttings, and will be able to get a great bush, which is strewn with a variety of inflorescences that can lift your spirits on a cold winter

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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