What to do with peonies in August: pruning, dividing, planting and other important work

  • Dec 13, 2020

Caring for peonies in the open field is a painstaking process that requires responsibility and special attention from the grower. At the end of summer, flowers need special care, because they lose their vitality after abundant flowering. Knowing what to do with peonies in August, you can properly prepare them for wintering and enjoy the abundant flowering next season.

Caring for peonies in the open field is a painstaking process that requires responsibility and special attention from the grower. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Caring for peonies in the open field is a painstaking process that requires responsibility and special attention from the grower. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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Basic agrotechnical procedures

In early August, when the buds of the next year continue to form on the plants, pruning or division is prohibited. But at the end of the month, it is allowed to divide old copies. In the middle latitudes, the weather is favorable, so the action can be postponed to September. If the delenki are planted in October, they may not have time to take root and will be subject to freezing.

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The procedure for dividing bushes at the end of summer allows not only to propagate flowers, but also to rejuvenate old specimens that have lost their decorative effect. Representatives of herbaceous varieties are subject to division after 4-5 years, and tree-like varieties - no more than 1 time in 5-6 years. If you refuse to divide for a long time, the flowers will grow strongly, and their roots will branch out and will not be able to develop normally in the soil.

When transplanting peonies into a new flower garden, it is worth adhering to the following requirements for the distance between plants:

  • For undersized species - from 70 cm.
  • For medium-sized flowers from the herbaceous group - from 0.9 m.
  • For tall shrubs and tree varieties - from 1.3 m.

During the next 2 seasons, the cuttings will intensively form roots. In order to stimulate the process, the buds are removed at the initial stage. Abundant flowering of young specimens will begin in 3-4 years.

The procedure for dividing bushes at the end of summer allows not only to propagate flowers, but also to rejuvenate old specimens that have lost their decorative effect. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Peony care

In order for the buds to form without deviations in growth, at the beginning of August, peonies should be fed with cow dung in a ratio of 1:10. Other nitrogen-containing preparations are not introduced into the soil. After abundant watering, top dressing is applied under the bushes based on substances such as:

  • Superphosphate - 25 g.
  • Potassium sulfate - 12 g.
  • 10 liters of water.

Also, flower growers practice processing with an infusion of wood ash in a ratio of 1:10.

Normal kidney development requires timely and abundant watering. Therefore, 7 liters of water should be added under each bush. By the end of August, the intensity of irrigation can be reduced. The main thing is to thoroughly loosen the soil after each procedure with weeding out the formed weeds.

In early August, you should mulch the soil with peat or a layer of humus.

To prevent the occurrence of fungal infections and pests, plants should be sprayed with 1% Bordeaux liquid or copper-based preparations.

When transplanting peonies into a new flower garden, it is worth adhering to certain requirements for the distance between plants. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Like other flowers, peonies propagate by seed. In this case, the stocking of planting material must be completed in August. However, this option is not very popular due to the fact that young specimens will form only after 1.5 years, and until the time when they bloom, it will take from 5 to 6 years.

In addition, when planting with seeds, it is quite difficult to preserve the varietal characteristics of the mother bush.

Trimming works are carried out in September-October. You can get rid of all the above-ground elements after the appearance of persistent frosts.

In late summer and early autumn, you need to mulch the plantings and apply fertilizers to the soil. A 10-centimeter layer of humus can be used as mulch, which will protect young plants from the cold and saturate the soil with nutrients.

Peonies need feeding both before flowering and after it, therefore, the correct procedure in August will have a beneficial effect on their development and decorative properties.

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