How to grab the details of welding to maintain the right angle

  • Dec 25, 2019

Friends all welcome. We continue to talk about how to properly do tack before welding parts. And today, we will analyze such an important topic as the grab parts to welding to maintain the right angle.

For example, we take the fortieth plate and try to grab her to the ground, putting exactly the right angle on a square, see what happens.

As we can see, after tack right angle in sight is left, plate arched toward our tack. Why it happens? The fact that the tack-drop of molten metal during the cooling will start to decrease rapidly in the volume and therefore pull the record itself. Always remember it-weld decreases in the volume, and always there is such a phenomenon in common-they say pulled welding. So you need to grab the right before the main welding for rigid fixation of the parts, so as not to utyanulo. Of course, in this example, all Circuits small and it can be fixed with a hammer, but if it will be the big plate? So it is better to do it right.

And will properly deliver the first, or first tack from where we specifically make an angle greater than 90 degrees, slightly tilting the plate in the opposite direction from tack. Look-tack is obtained that pulls the metal plate itself and begins to level off, moving to tack. It remains only a slight movement of hands and finally gon exhibit an angle of 90 degrees, and grab the opposite side from the first tack, again to control the angle and welding compound. It should be able to fairly accurately.

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There is another method, which is applicable to plates tack-set at the ends of the plate and it is obtained as if hinged relative to the base. Here you can grab at once on a square, then tack again to check, and then cook.

With profiled pipe should also proceed as described in the first plates tack-case also immediately make an angle greater than 90 degrees from the blinds first tack, we catch, align gon, we catch the opposite direction, control once again and weld.

If you suddenly need to weld the long side at a right angle, then here come to the aid raskosiny time or temporary gussets. Which are cut off after the main welding. I for example do so when brewed body on KAMAZ-Stoics sealed with a platform through temporary raskosin.

Here is a long, but very important for beginners article, we received today. I hope it was helpful.

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