Protect from heat and rainfall

  • Dec 25, 2019

Malaysia is always hot and often are short but heavy rains. In the capital, Kuala Lumpur, created an impressive system of protection from rain and heat.

I lived in Impiana Hotel kilometer-plus towers from Petronas. This is the view from the front porch of the hotel.

It turned out that before these towers can be reached without going outside. From the hotel there is a gallery to the next building, and then one more, and another and another.

The galleries are air-conditioned, maintaining a comfortable temperature.

Part of the building are connected by underground passages.

Such a network of overground and underground passages connects many of the buildings in the center of Kuala Lumpur and allows to overcome quite a long distance, without going outside. Especially valuable is when a downpour on the street.

I made a short video about these galleries. Look! v = b2SDGBjOqQU

Thanks to the Ministry of Tourism Malaysia, Tourism Malaysia Moscow and the Embassy of Malaysia in Russia for the opportunity to see this amazing country.

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© 2019 Alex Nadozhin
The main theme of my blog - Equipment for human life. I write reviews, share experiences, talk about all sorts of interesting things. My second project - I test LED lamps and help figure out which ones are good and which are not.