Wife learned to choose a bird in supermarkets. Told what you need to pay attention!

  • Dec 26, 2019

In the food market, in particular, in supermarkets, it is proposed huge selection of different products and semi-finished products. This also applies to poultry, which is traditionally considered to be dietary and very affordable.

Nowadays, the market can find any kind of meat poultry: guinea fowl, geese, ducks, chickens, turkeys, quail, and other indoutki. And you can choose not only the whole bird carcass, but any part of: neck, breasts, legs. But in order not to be disappointed in buying, you should adhere to certain rules when choosing.

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

Despite the very extensive range of semi-finished products, many housewives tend to buy a whole bird carcass and butcher her own home. This is due, in particular the fact that the soups and meals from whole birds are more delicious and nutritious than that of the individual parts. To speed up the defrosting taken out of the freezer of a carcass, it can be put in the microwave and enable the appropriate mode, or simply put in warm water.

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The store should be well to examine the carcass, because visually you can roughly determine the age of the birds. Young broiler chickens and chicken usually thick legs and large bones. If you got an old hen, it before cooking better withstand several hours in a weak vinegar solution. After such marinating poultry can safely fry or cook, because its meat is juicy and delicious. To make the broth should be used areas with bones, but rather the whole carcass, then it will turn out the most delicious and nourishing.

When buying poultry, carefully review its packaging specified date packaging. Better to prefer the original packaging, where, in addition, a product shelf life.

If the smell of meat dubious and color it gray, the risk should not be and it is better to pass by. Fresh meat has a pinkish hue, and its elastic fibers. Store in freezer should be at temperatures below freezing.

If you suddenly descended on the guests, or do not have time for the long cooking, the food can be ordered with delivery. This, of course, saves a lot of time and effort, but it should be remembered that the courier will deliver you do not showcase a rich assortment, in which you can dig, and the only product ordered. So you have to rely on the honesty of sellers, and this article would be completely useless to you.

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