As an electrical circuit simulator can help you understand any scheme?

  • Dec 26, 2019

Electrical circuit simulator - a tool for the "observation" of what makes the chain. Compared with the mechanical devices, such as for example a bicycle, the electronics can not be easily checked with the naked eye.

When you look at the bike, you can see the results in the rotation of the chain behind him and see that pressing the pedal, and that this chain leads in bicycle wheels.

On the contrary, if you look at the electronic filling audio amplifier, you will be very difficult to say what it does, if you have no previous experience in the development and creation of electronic circuits.

Simulate the circuit work

circuit simulators give you the flexibility to analyze the voltage and current of each wire and a component in the chain.

If you have any problems understanding the scheme, you can try to draw it into the chart simulator, such as LTSpice (is free). You can change the input voltage and the parameters of the components and see how the circuit responds. And it will give you a complete picture of what makes a circuit.

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Example circuit simulator

I have created a chart, which can be difficult to understand beginners electronics. But with the help of circuit simulator, you can figure out how it works in general and how its parts work.

 EXAMPLE circuit.
EXAMPLE circuit

To download the scheme, please go to link.

Important! For proper simulation you must add the LM339 in the component library.

You can play with this circuit in the simulator, and write your opinion in the comments.

How to understand what makes the scheme?

So, to find out how the scheme works through a simulation, you should:

1. Think in terms of I / O:

If you analyze analog circuit, its main purpose is the input obtaining, processing and output it as something else.

Find out what is the input parameter, change the value and see how it affects the output. So, you know, what is the main function of the circuit.

2. Divide diagram of steps (if applicable):

Some analog circuits perform more than one kind of treatment, they can convert the current a proportional voltage signal, and then output a different voltage to run after the switch certain period of time.

Analog functions may be performed: conversion, switching, timing, filtering, amplification, attenuation, and much more. To understand how your scheme, divide it into stages so that you can analyze each stage separately.

Basically, you create a smaller structure in which you can re-use input / output principle.

3. Analyze each stage

Change the input parameter values ​​and components to see how it affects the yield by examining different parts of the circuit. So you will see and learn how this circuit works and relates to the rest of the picture.

I hope that after reading this article in your arsenal will be one more tool that simplifies working with electronics.