Last autumn processing of gooseberry, currant and fruit trees

  • Dec 24, 2019
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With the advent of autumn, the owners of household plots and villas are beginning to prepare the garden for winter. Autumn gooseberry processing is necessary for its recovery after harvest. He needs to gather strength for the winter to provide good fruiting next year.

Autumn treatment gooseberry. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Autumn treatment gooseberry. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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What you need to prepare for winter

In order to ensure normal conditions for the gooseberry, the fall must do the following work:

  • feeding;
  • pruning;
  • soil preparation;
  • treatment of pests;
  • mulching.


It should be abundantly watered and add liquid phosphate fertilizers in September gooseberries. Typically, an aqueous solution of chicken manure (2 fertilizer diluted in a bucket of water glass, and then 1 l of solution was used in desyatilitrovoe bucket) or an aqueous ash solution (two glasses of a bucket of water). Under the plant need to make a bucket of such fertilizers. Under adult bush poured 30 liters of water. This allows the plant to grow young roots. Pre-winter watering to make it resistant to difficult weather conditions in autumn. For convenient irrigation make a groove into which is poured the water and fertilized around the bush along the contour of the crown.

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Feeding the gooseberry correctly. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Feeding the gooseberry correctly. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©


A month after the harvest you need to start cutting and finish it no later than mid-October. Plant must cope with stress after cutting prior to the frost.

Getting pruning, it is necessary to allocate at least five strong shoots, which formed the main crop will be next season. In order not to weaken the plant and reduce its fruition, more than three major escapes from the bush can not be deleted. In the fall of branches on the bush is not shortened. Young branches winter may freeze slightly. Podmerzshie shoots pruned during spring pruning.

First cut out the old branches with black bark, branches that grow into the bush, and then broken, dry and poorly developed. It is necessary to form a bush so that it gets enough sunlight, and it was easy to take care of him. Branches, strongly inclined to the earth, the fall crop is not necessary: ​​in the winter they will protect the plant from rodents. All sections must be processed garden pitch or paint garden.

soil preparation

By the winter should be prepared and the ground under a bush. Pull out the weeds, especially couch grass, which strongly exhausts the plant. Remove leaves, which overwinter eggs and larvae of pests, cut branches, all of it burned.

The soil under the bushes there are many beneficial insects and bacteria, which improve soil structure. In order not to disturb the structure of the soil and do not cause oxidation, it should be just gently loosen the lack of depth.

Treatment against pests

The most dangerous pests of gooseberries - a bud moth caterpillars, moth; maggots (larvae) of a yellow and red-eyed sawfly aphids. Spores and dangerous diseases such as powdery mildew gooseberry, anthracnose (fungal disease) doubleness (microplasma disease). So the autumn processing plants from pests is required.

To spring the plant was not affected by larvae and spores, it should be treated by aqueous solution of liquid Bordeaux, copper oxide, or an aqueous solution of furnace black. They not only ruin the pests, but also serve as a useful fertilizer for the plants. If gooseberries severely infected, it must process the insecticide aktellik and fufanon.

Autumn treatment against pests and diseases is desirable to conduct the entire garden. It will be more useful than processing only gooseberry.

Treatment against pests. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Treatment against pests. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©


If on the land sown green manure in the winter, they can mow them and zamulchirovat soil under a bush. Special favor to bring winter cress and mustard. Prior to the onset of frost, mid to late November soil under bushes poured branches to edge humus or peat bed (10 cm). They will protect the roots from frost and spring with the melting of the snow will be a good spring fertilizer. When the snowy winter useful sketch of snow under a bush, and on it - it's his warm. If there is no snow, and frost are amplified, it is desirable to cover the dense bush covering materials.

Gooseberry needs constant care throughout the season. But for a good wintering important in the autumn plant processing. The stronger the plant will be in the spring, the higher the yield.

original articleand many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.

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Read more:Propagated gooseberries in a new way