How to derive the moles portion: and humane method of free

  • Dec 27, 2019

A long time ago in my area already inhabited by moles, but then I was able to get rid of them. How can I at that time thought they will not come back. But I was wrong. Just a few years ago I began to notice earthen mounds - outs of mole tunnels. Since I already had a practice fight with these animals, I knew that we must act urgently. Otherwise, the area will be got the whole population of moles, which would get rid of the really difficult.

For those who have doubts about whether to deal with moles you need, I can say this: Moles really benefit the area, but the damage caused by them disproportionately. Here are just a few issues that bring these small mammals.

  • Moles feed on useful and necessary kitchen garden earthworms;
  • Mole hills detracts from the appearance of lawns, flower beds and alpine;
  • Moles mixed lowland and the land surface. As a result, fertile soil is mixed with a "dead" and loses some of its properties;
  • Mole tunnels are actively harmful rodents;
  • Moles damage plant roots. They are not fed, but torn and thrown to the surface.
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But in spite of all the damage caused, moles are still animals and treat them accordingly need. Therefore, I welcome the only humane ways of dealing with these mammals.

In this article, I will discuss a method that does not cause any harm to the moles, but it allows you to get rid of them for quite a long period. In this way, I used many years ago and it is applied very recently. They were effective both times.

The method

The method is very simple. Our task is to put in the way of an animal trap from which he can not escape. After hitting a mole into the trap, we carried him far beyond the site.

Is a trap in several stages:

  • Choosing a trap. The tank should be at least the depth of 20 cm. The walls must be smooth and strong enough. For example, it may be an ordinary 3-liter jar made of glass. Also, you can use small buckets, pots or cut cans. All containers must be clean and free of food debris and other content. If the walls are dirty or rough (for example, a dried adhesive residues), A mole can get;
  • we find the tunnel. Now you need to find a tunnel on the way which our trap is set. It is not so difficult as it seems. Find fresh land slides, which were thrown onto the surface of a mole. Underground tunnels pass straight through these hills. The moves can be felt by hand or with a stick;
  • Digging a hole. Find the tunnel and back down about 1.5 meters from the nearest ground slides. Next, dig a pit so that the tunnel passed right through the groove. Strive to ensure that the diameter of the hole as small as possible, it is not necessary to dig huge trenches.
  • Traps. In the excavated pit lower bank so that the neck was on the stroke of mole level. Next, fill the empty space around the earth banks and seal it;
  • Top bait is covered with plywood board or other object not allowing the natural light.
Trap mole of 3-liter jar. Blue circled the entrances to the tunnel.
Trap mole of 3-liter jar. Blue circled the entrances to the tunnel.

At first glance it seems a trap is very simple, but in fact it is very effective. The fact that the moles are very often used by old tunnels. Therefore, animal most likely will fall into the jar.

Check the trap of 2-3 times a day. The animal will not live long in a confined space without food and water.

Once the trap is triggered, a jar with a beast you need to get out of the pit and bring to the nearest forest.

This simple way to help you get rid of moles in the garden area. In this method for a week, you can catch up to 3-4 animals. The more traps you set, the more chances you have to get lucky.

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