How to scare birds from the garden. Folk and modern methods

  • Dec 27, 2019
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Despite the fact that the birds destroy many harmful garden insects, their mass appearance in the garden does not bode well. Feathered friends in a short time may completely peck cherry harvest, as well as many other berries. A particular danger they present to crops and seeds.

In this article I want to talk about modern and popular methods of scaring away birds from the garden. Just want to say that none of the methods does not harm the health of the naughty birds.

1. bugbear

The most popular national method - the creation of a bogey as a person. It is this method in the first place comes to mind when it comes to scaring.

However, scarecrows come in all types, for example in the form of:

  • Birds of prey;
  • cats;
  • dogs;
  • Other animals.

According to gardeners, very efficiently run figurines in the form of various birds of prey. Despite its small size, they are permanently scare feathered guests.

2. shiny objects

It has long been observed that birds scare shiny objects that reflect the sun's rays. This can be used to protect the trees and bushes. Enough to hang on the branches of the pieces of foil, old CDs, Christmas toys and even a shiny metal trim. The wind will swing suspension and reflect in different directions sunlight that much not like feathered fellow.

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Such a "daisy chain" can be hung only in the period of ripening berries, not to spoil the look of the site.

3. ad hoc networks

In many gardening stores sell special nets against birds. Their operating principle is very simple. You just need to cover the shrub or tree of a grid. The fine weave does not allow the birds to sit down and reach the berries.

The main advantages of this method are simplicity and low cost, but there is one major drawback. Approaching the net, the bird may get confused and damage the wings.

4. ultrasonic repeller

The principle of operation of ultrasonic repeller is based on a sound radiation, which delivers a birds serious discomfort. This forces the feathered visitors as possible to leave the site quickly.

The device does not cause inconvenience to people and animals, so it is often used by small suburban areas. Range depends on each specific model, but for the standard plot of 6 acres, will approach the cheapest option.

The device works as a sensor of movement, and with a certain frequency. Mode of operation depends on the specific site and the number of devices.

5. laser repeller

Laser repeller is less popular, but at the same time very effective. The device uses a green laser beam to scare birds from the trees, shrubs and plantings. There are several modes of operation.

1. The device is activated only when the bird appears on the site. Triggered motion sensor and the section of laser beam is traversed;

2. The device turns on every 10-15 minutes, thus not allowing the birds to settle and start to destroy the harvest.

3. Manual control device is intended to include the laser on-demand.

Best of all the laser beam can be seen in the dark, which is why this method is particularly effective at night.

Green laser beam can cause discomfort not only birds, but also humans. That is why this method is most often used in the fields and in large unpopulated areas.

6. Bio-acoustic deterrent

The principle of operation is very simple bioacoustic repeller. The device produces realistic voices predators that frighten birds and causes them to leave the territory. However, the method has a serious drawback. hear the sound of the instrument the person, which means that the frequent use of it begins to cause discomfort.

Before installing a sound repeller sure to check with your neighbors. The device emits a sufficiently sharp and loud sounds that can irritate a person. In particular, located in the area nearby.

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