The infusion of nettle to lift the immunity of plants

  • Dec 27, 2019
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Many have heard about the beneficial properties of nettles. It is often used in folk medicine, economy and of course in the garden. In this article I want to tell you about one of the recipes nettle tincture, which raises the plants immune system, helps to develop the root system and infiltrates the soil microelements.

1. collect nettles

Collect nettles as possible on its site and in the nearby woods. We need only healthy and strong plants. It is best to cut with a margin as in the process of cutting some stems can be discarded.

After nettle is cut, be sure to check for the presence of pests and diseases.

Never collect nettles along the roads and garbage dumps. All soaked plant harmful substances will remain on your site.

2. Process and shred

After nettle is collected, it must be flushed from dust and dirt. The infusion should go only pure plant.

Finely shinkuem nettle making sure that the juice is not sprayed, it is suitable for infusion. Putting it all in a plastic or glass container (iron dishes should be avoided as it can react with the solution) and fill the hot but not boiling water. Cover with a lid and send it to infuse.

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Chopped nettles due at 80% fill a container in which to prepare an infusion.

3. makes the present

Put the container with the infusion for 14 days in a warm dark locally. Be prepared for the fact that the nettle and begin to wander quite a bad smell.

Once a day, the infusion should be mixed to the concentration was uniform.

Top dressing is ready, when the infusion will become dark in color and cease to foam.

4. How to use the infusion

Infusion is applied as top dressing for many horticultural crops, including tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers. Before watering must be diluted broth clean water in a proportion of 1 to 10. To young seedlings and plants and reduce the concentration can be diluted in a ratio of 1 to 20.

Like many herbal teas, infusion of nettle is stored no more than 2-3 days after preparation. As time passes, it will lose its beneficial properties. Therefore, such feeding harvest necessary for speedy application.

The infusion of nettle is not only an excellent top dressing, but also is used to control certain garden pests, including the Colorado potato beetle, aphids and cabbage caterpillar.

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