How to keep the garlic in the apartment, so it does not lose its beneficial properties

  • Dec 27, 2019
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Garlic grows almost every gardeners. On the beneficial properties of this product everyone knows. But not many think about the fact that if not properly stored garlic deteriorates and becomes less useful.

Today I will talk about how to properly store the garlic in a normal apartment, so it does not lose its unique properties.

No special conditions are needed. Enough to have a plain glazed balcony or loggia.

I share the preparation and storage of garlic into 3 stages:

  • Harvesting;
  • Selection of the candidates;
  • Creating favorable conditions for storage.

Now I tell all about it. We begin with the harvest.

1. Correctly dig garlic

Garlic to long kept, it is necessary to dig a well. If you make mistakes at the stage of harvest, storage time can be reduced significantly.

For myself, I have identified a few basic rules of the collection:

  • Watering garlic before harvest is not necessary;
  • Need to dig garlic only in dry weather. If you have recently passed the rain - it is better to wait and postpone plans;
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  • Stick the blade gently (4-5 cm from the tops)Not to touch the fruit. When the garlic has been damaged, it will deteriorate rapidly;
  • During the collection do not throw the garlic and fruits do not hurt each other.

Once you pull the garlic out of the ground, it should be hang to dry in 10-14 days. Drying should be in the shade, away from direct sunlight.

Dehydrated garlic gently clean the dust from the ground and your hands or a dry sponge. Further, a sharp knife or scissors, cut off the stem and long roots. Do not use old, Blunt instruments, so as not to damage the fruit.

2. Choosing to store garlic

Once the garlic heads are dried and cleaned, it is necessary to select the most suitable candidates for storage. Be sure to exclude fruit from:

  • mechanical injury: scratches, cuts, etc .;
  • blotches, darkening, and other signs of decay / deterioration;
  • impact traces, compression, crush, etc.

The fruits are selected for storage, gathering in small batches in a well-ventilated container. I am using for this purpose a small basket in which, usually, sell berries.

3. Create conditions for storage

To garlic is stored for a long time and not lose their properties, it is a special storage conditions required.

  • The temperature of from +1 to +6 degrees;
  • Humidity of not more than 70%;
  • The room and its container must be well ventilated. For long-term storage without loss of properties is very important air circulation;
  • No direct sunlight and bright light.

For storing garlic in a flat I use the balcony. I have it slightly warmed, so to maintain the temperature between 1 and 6 degrees is not difficult. I I place baskets in a large ventilated box for small shelves. There no light, but the air penetrates.

It is important to once every few weeks to check the safety of garlic. Head, which began to deteriorate immediately remove and throw away (Use in food, if suitable).

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