Not a weed, and indispensable to each grower

  • Dec 27, 2019

I never grew celandine specifically. He was always alone sprouted next to the house and between the sheds. Ever since childhood I remember how my mother forbade him to tear me to not get burned. After all, in the juice of this plant contain substances that can corrode the skin.

The fact that celandine can be used as a folk remedy for skin diseases, heard many. But the fact that this plant is a great helper in the fight against garden pests, not everyone knows.

In this article I want to talk about how to fight insect pests with the help of celandine. Every way I've tried personally, so make them more effective.

Celandine against pests

1. Celandine against aphids

Aphids - one of the major problems of all gardeners. These small insects are able to destroy the whole tree, if time does not declare war on them.

Decoction of fresh celandine is an excellent weapon in the fight against aphids. Advantage of this method is the simplicity of cooking. We only need a pan, warm water and bushes celandine.

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  • Take mown bushes celandine, purify them from dirt and dust;
  • Melo shinkuem grass collecting the juice in the container;
  • Pour into 10-liter pan and warm water;
  • Adding water to about 3 kg chopped celandine juice;
  • We insist in a dark place for 4 hours.

As a result, should get an infusion of dark brown color. A solution ready for use.

Some gardeners are added to the infusion of soap, so it is better to "stick" to the leaves. But, I do not.

2. Celandine against caterpillars

Decoction on the basis of celandine is perfect for controlling caterpillars. Contained in the plant poisons are absolutely harmless to humans but harmful to the caterpillars of the cabbage.

To prepare the broth, we need a common pot, boiling water and celandine.

  • Fresh sprigs celandine washed free of dirt and dust;
  • Fill 1/3 of the pot;
  • Fill scalded with boiling water;
  • We give it brew for 30 minutes.

Broth is ready, it remains cool. For the complete disappearance of the tracks it took me only 3 spray. I think it's a great result, because the method does not require money, time and absolutely straight.

3. Celandine against ants

Ants are useful for the garden or not, everyone decides for himself. On the one hand these insects have positive aspects, on the other - they carry aphids and spoil the roots of plants.

But if you do decide to fight the ants, the celandine is a great help.

Against ants perfect 4-hour infusion of paragraph 1. To get rid of these insects, it is necessary to stir their nest, and abundantly watered extract celandine.

4. Celandine against Colorado potato beetle

Celandine is a great helper in the fight against Colorado potato beetle. To prepare the broth by this pest, we will need 400 grams of fresh celandine and 10 liters of clean water.

  • Finely chop the celandine, being careful not to spray the juice;
  • Pour into a 10-liter pot and fill with pure water;
  • The solution is brought to boiling and boil 2 minutes on low heat;
  • We insist the solution for about a day in a dark room. Water should be dark brown.

Broth ready. Liberally treat potatoes from budding stage of the plants and to the complete disappearance of the pest.

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